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CTET Solved Question Paper 1 JAN 2024 (PRT)

CTET January 2024 Solved Question Paper: Paper-I (21.01.2024).

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image: CTET January 2024 Solved Question Paper/Answers: Paper-I (PRT) @ TeachMatters
Check CTET Solved Question Paper 2024 with Answer Keys of CTET JAN 2024 Exam held on 21.01.2024 for Paper-I (PRT) for Class I-V.

This solved question answers of CTET Paper-I Exam January 2024 contains all questions of every portion - Part-I ( Child Development & Pedagogy), Part-II (Mathematics), Part-III (Social Studies), Part-IV Language-I (English/Hindi) & Part-V Language-II (English/Hindi).

Check CTET JAN 2024 Solved Question Paper-I with CTET answer key option for all sets.

CTET Solved Question Paper JAN 2024: Level-1 (PRT) for 1st to 5th

CTET JAN 2024 Solved Paper-2

CTET JAN 2024 Solved Paper-1

Part-I ( Child Development & Pedagogy)

(CTET Child Development & Pedagogy Solved Questions - Paper-1 January 2024)

1. While participating in a sports competition in class, Tanuj tells his friend that he will participate in the javelin throw and his sister can participate in jump rope because she is a girl and girls cannot throw javelin. This depicts:
(1) Gender constancy
(2) Gender equality
(3) Gender equity
(4) Gender stereotyping
Answer: (4)

2. While divergent thinking __________ convergent thinking __________.
(1) encourages multiple answers; is fixed on one correct solution
(2) is fixed on one correct solution; encourages multiple answers
(3) Promotes mathematical abilities; promotes verbal abilities
(4) Promotes verbal abilities; promotes mathematical abilities
Answer: (1)

3. Which of the following statements about inclusive education is not correct?
(1) Inclusive teaching means “teaching in ways that do not exclude”.
(2) Inclusive teaching means “adopting pedagogies that support needs of all learners”.
(3) An inclusive classroom “accommodates differences in language styles and promotes
(4) An inclusive classroom centres around “fixed curricula and standard assessment”.
Answer: (4)

4. Assertion (A): Learners construct their own knowledge based on what they already know.
Reason (R): Finding patterns and making linkages with previous knowledge helps learners to
process information meaningfully.

Choose the correct option :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
Answer: (1)

5. Assertion (A): Childhood is experienced differently by children across cultures.
Reason (R): Childrens’ development is universal.

Choose the correct option :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
Answer: (3)

6. According to attribution theory of motivation which of the following is more likely to result in
persistent effort and improved performance?

(1) An internal attribution for success and an external attribution for failure
(2) An external attribution for success and an internal attribution for failure
(3) Internal attribution for failure as well as success
(4) External attribution for failure as well as success
Answer: (3)

7. Which of the following is a key principle of progressive education?
(1) Standardized testing is the best way to measure student learning
(2) Students should be passive recipients of knowledge from their teachers
(3) Learning should be based on authentic tasks
(4) Curriculum should be predetermined and universal Answer: (3)

8. Reasoning, thinking and problem-solving are explained in which aspect of development?
(1) Social Development 
(2) Cognitive Development
(3) Moral Development 
(4) Motor Development
Answer: (2)

9. Lev Vygotsky proposes that __________ is important for self-regulation in children.
(1) Disequilibrium 
(2) Inner speech
(3) Adaptation 
(4) Organization
Answer: (2)

10. Assertion (A): In Lawrence Kohlberg’s moral development theory children move from
understanding consequences of acts to determine whether they are good or bad to understanding that rules and laws are flexible and can be changed.
Reason (R): Lawrence Kohlberg argues that moral development occurs progressively in stages.

Choose the correct option:
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
Answer: (1)

11. As per Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligence, which of the following set represents
correct match of intelligence and associated characteristics?

(1) Intrapersonal: skill in understanding and relating to others
(2) Logical-Mathematical: skill of dance or athletic abilities
(3) Musical: performance or composition skills
(4) Spatial: skill of appreciating the natural world
Answer: (3)

12. Which of the following statements is not correct about learning?
(1) Learning depends on learner’s previous knowledge
(2) Learning implies reorganisation of prior conceptual schemes
(3) Learning is facilitated by social action
(4) Learning as a product rather than a process
Answer: (4)

13. Problem solving is fostered by :
(1) Divergent thinking 
(2) Functional fixedness
(3) Passive imitation 
(4) Response Set
Answer: (1)

14. According to Kohlberg’s theory of moral development, at what stage are children self-centered and see their own benefit in doing something?
(1) at the first stage in the first level
(2) at the second stage in the first level
(3) at the third stage in the second level
(4) at the fifth stage in the third level
Answer: (2)

15. Inclusion of students belonging to disadvantaged groups demands :
(1) awareness and sensitization towards diverse traditions.
(2) evidencing and encouraging identity-based stereotypes.
(3) isolation in the classroom on the basis of social affiliation.
(4) same-ability grouping of students in the classroom.
Answer: (1)

16. Which of the following is a characteristic of effective feedback in the classroom ?
(1) It is given only at the end of the task.
(2) It is broad and generic.
(3) It is only focused on the outcomes.
(4) It is timely and specific.
Answer: (4)

17. Proximodistal principle states that in infancy:
(1) the limbs continue to grow faster than the hands and feet.
(2) development proceeds from head to toe.
(3) development of language occurs rapidly as it is a sensitive period for development.
(4) Physical development occurs rapidly with the development of fine motor skills.
Answer: (1)

18. Assertion (A): School curriculum should give reasonable space and value to learner’s cultural

Reason (R): Supporting students to uphold their cultural identities facilitates learning.
Choose the correct option :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
Answer: (1)

19. Which of the following would not be characterised as formative assessment?
(1) An assessment given at the beginning of a new concept to determine students’ prior
(2) An assessment given during the class to provide ongoing feedback to students and teachers.
(3) An assessment task that is helpful in comparing students as per a standard set of criteria.
(4) An assessment used to identify misconceptions in a student’s learning.
Answer: (3)

20. Which of the following is a typical characteristic of Dyslexia?
(1) Difficulty in creative problem solving
(2) Difficulty in phonological processing
(3) Difficulty in physical coordination
(4) Difficulty in spatial awareness
Answer: (2)

21. Which of the following types of questions can help assess a student’s ability to evaluate information critically?
(1) Questions that ask for a simple definition of a term
(2) Questions that ask for the student’s personal opinion
(3) Questions that ask for examples that validate the text
(4) Questions that ask for a summary of a text
Answer: (2)

22. Impairment is a __________ condition, while disability is a __________ condition.
(1) biological, functional 
(2) functional, biological
(3) operative, physical 
(4) social, psychological
Answer: (1)

23. Which of the following aptly defines relationship between cognition and emotion ?
(1) Cognition and emotion are two independent systems.
(2) Emotion and cognition are interdependent on each other.
(3) Cognition influences emotions but reverse is not true.
(4) Emotions influence cognition but reverse is not true.
Answer: (2)

24. Language development in primary classes is facilitated :
(1) When teachers use concrete examples to refer to abstract concepts.
(2) When teachers stress upon and enforce the use of formal language.
(3) When teachers ignore and dismiss the mother tongue of the children.
(4) When teachers begin from signs and symbols rather than concrete objects.
Answer: (1)

25. Which of the following correctly describes intrinsic motivation?
(1) Motivation that comes from external rewards
(2) Motivation that comes from personal enjoyment of the task
(3) Motivation that comes from competition with others
(4) Motivation that comes from a fear of punishment
Answer: (2)

26. Which of the following are examples of scaffolding?
(a) Think-aloud (b) Prompts and cues (c) Questions
(d) Half-solved example (e) Rote Rehearsal
(1) (a), (b) 
(2) (a), (b), (c)
(3) (a), (b), (c), (d) 
(4) (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) 
Answer: (3)

27. In the course of development, children achieve gross motor skills before fine motor skills. This indicates that development is :
(1) Anarchic 
(2) Cephalocaudal
(3) Linear 
(4) Proximodistal
Answer: (4)

28. As per Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, which of the following ability distinguishes concrete operational thinking from Pre-operational thinking?
(1) Coordination of senses 
(2) Decentering
(3) Hypothetical reasoning 
(4) Object permanence
Answer: (2)

29. After getting ‘out’ in the game due to the rope getting stuck in her leg while jumping Aru says that the rope deliberately got her out. At what stage of Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive development do children reason like this?
(1) Concrete Operational stage 
(2) Formal Operational stage
(3) Sensory-motor stage 
(4) Pre-operation stage
Answer: (4)

30. Socio-constructivist views of learning advocate that -
(1) Learners receive knowledge passively from others
(2) Learners actively construct knowledge
(3) Effective learning is activated by lecturing and explaining
(4) Effective learning takes place through the process of recall and rehearsal
Answer: (2)
>> Check Child Development & Pedagogy Solved Question Papers >>

>> Part-II (Mathematics) >>
>> Part-III (Social Studies) >>
>> Part-IV Language-I (English/Hindi) >>
>> Part-V Language-II (English/Hindi) >>

CTET January 2024 Solved Question Paper-1 (Main) PDF
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Note :
  • All Question-Answers have been uploaded & updated here. So visit this page regularly.
  • These solved questions are based on official/final answer keys of CTET January 2024 exam for Paper-1.
  • Candidates are advised to check the official answer key of CTET January 2024.

See Also: CTET Question Papers December 2019

<< Solved Question Paper << CTET Solved Question Paper << CTET DEC 2019 Solved Q. Paper 


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