21 May 2020

MCQs English Language: Basic Concepts, Theories & Pedagogy, English in Use

(Last Updated: 08.07.2020). Check Important Objective Type English Literature Multiple Choice Question Answers on English Language basic concepts, theories and pedagogy and language in use. These solved question-answers on English Language Theories and Pedagogy section of English Literature Objective type question answers (MCQ) can be used as English Literature Study Material for UGC NET/JRF/STET, TET and other written examinations (UGC NET English Paper-II) based on objective type multiple-choice questions.
image : English Literature Question Answers (MCQ) on English Language Theory-Pedagogy @ TeachMatters
Learn English Literature through these multiple choice objective question answers which are important for the students of English Literature as well as for the candidates who are going to participate in competitive exams based on English Language General Questions.

 Multiple Choice Questions Answers on Language: Basic Concepts, Theories & Pedagogy and English in Use - English Literature 

English Literature MCQ - Language Theories and Pedagogy

1. Grammar-Translation Method does not

(A) Encourage learning through mother tongue

(B) Give importance to grammar

(C) Enhance a student’s communicative skill

(D) Enable the student too use the language fluently

2. Correct pronunciation of individual sound is related to

(A) Accuracy

(B) Fluency

(C) Both accuracy and fluency

(D) Neither accuracy nor fluency
3. ‘Interactive’ listening is

(A) Listening and responding

(B) Listening for mood and tone

(C) Listening for word stress and emphasis

(D) Listening for finding out speaker’s attitude

4. The number of diphthongs in English Sound is

(A) 12

(B) 8

(C) 44

(D) 20

5. Diphthong is a

(A) Pure vowel sound

(B) Pure consonant sound

(C) Vowel glides or mixed vowel sounds

(D) None of the above

6. Most of the Universities in India

(A) conduct teaching and research only

(B) affiliate colleges and conduct examinations

(C) conduct teaching/research and examinations

(D) promote research only

7. What is the term used for ingressive air-sounds produced?

(A) Claps

(B) Snap

(C) Clicks

(D) Beats

8. Which of these refer to the sound features of a language?

(A) Morphemics

(B) Phonetic Substances

(C) Phonetics

(D) Syntax

9. The smallest unit of words is called

(A) Phoneme

(B) Allophone

(C) Juncture

(D) Morpheme

10. What is the full form of IPA?

(A) Indian Phonetic Alphabet

(B) International Phonetic Alphabet

(C) International Phonetic Agreement

(D) Indian Phonetic Agreement

11. The study of articulation, transmission and reception of speech sound is called

(A) Linguistics

(B) Morphology

(C) Phonetics

(D) Syntax

12. Universal grammar is sometimes known as

(A) Universal Bus

(B) Linguistics

(C) Mental Grammar

(D) Morphology

13. Which one of the following authors maintains that universal grammar theories are not falsifiable and are therefore pseudoscientific?

(A) Geoffrey Sampson

(B) Marc Hauser

(C) Noam Chomsky

(D) William Tecumseh Fitch

14. The rise and fall of pitch in voice is called

(A) Flueny

(B) Pause

(C) Intonation

(D) Stress

15. The study of cognitive phenomena in machines is called

(A) Cognitive Science

(B) Artificial Intelligence

(C) Pedagogy

(D) Deep Structure

16. Analyzing activity within the brain while performing various tasks is called

(A) Brain Strom

(B) Brain Mapping

(C) Brain Drain

(D) Brain Imagining

17. Who first used the term Generative grammar?

(A) Noam Chomsky

(B) Ferdinand de Saussure

(C) Roman Jakobson

(D) Robin Lakoff

18. George P. Lakoff coined the term ‘cognitive linguistics’ in 1987 in his book

(A) Women, Fire and Dangerous Things

(B) Moral Politics

(C) Don’t Think of an Elephant

(D) The Political Mind

19. Thomas Kuhn presented his notion of a paradigm shift in his influential book

(A) The Copernican Revolution (1957)

(B) The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962)

(C) The Function of Dogma in Scientific Research (1963)

(D) The Essential Tension (1977)

20. Who may be called Panini of America?

(A) Noam Chomsky

(B) Ferdinand de Saussure

(C) Roman Jakobson

(D) Robin Lakoff

21. Structural Grammar is associated with

(A) Noam Chomsky

(B) Leonard Bloomfield

(C) Roman Jakobson

(D) Robin Lakoff

22. The basic and elementary sentences of the language, the stuff from which all else is made is known as

(A) Syntax

(B) Morpheme

(C) Kernel

(D) Transforms

23. Who has been called the “Father of American Anthropology”?

(A) Ruth Benedict

(B) Edward Sapir

(C) Franz Boas

(D) Margaret Mead

24. Ferdinand de Saussure published an important work in Indo-European philology that proposed the existence of ghosts in Proto-Indo-European called

(A) Langue

(B) Parole

(C) Sonant Coefficients

(D) Structural Linguistics

25. Who formulated the term, ’Pragmatic Maxim’?

(A) Chauncey Wright

(B) William James

(C) John Dewey

(D) Charles Sanders Pierce

26. Firstly, to which of these language does English belong?

(A) Baltic

(B) Romance

(C) Germanic

(D) Slavonic

27. Which of these words describes the changing of the form of a verb in order to reflect person, number, tense and mood?

(A) Inversion

(B) Subordination

(C) Conjugation

(D) Declension

28. In dialectology, what is the line on map called which divides areas with different forms of a word?

(A) Isobar

(B) Isogloss

(C) Isotherm

(D) Isomer

29. Which of these find out how a certain set of people use a language at a given time?

(A) Diachronic Linguistics

(B) Comparative Linguistics

(C) Synchronic Linguistics

(D) Historical Linguistics

30. What is semiotics?

(A) The study of music

(B) The study of human communication

(C) The study of disability

(D) The study of memory

31. What is the technical term for ‘body language’?

(A) Non-verbal Communication

(B) Semiotics

(C) Linguistics

(D) Semantics

32. Which are obstruents?

(A) Nasals, liquids, glides

(B) Nasals, liquids, vowels

(C) Stops, fricatives, affricates

(D) Stops, glottals, fricatives

33. What is kinesics?

(A) The study of tone of voice

(B) The study of smell and taste

(C) The study of nonverbal visual communication

(D) The study of sign language

34. A sound involving a constriction to the flow of air through nose or mouth?

(A) Allophone

(B) Obstruent

(C) Phoneme

(D) Sonorant

35. Which of the following is the smallest unit within a language system?

(A) Sentence

(B) Word

(C) Phoneme

(D) Morpheme

36. Which of the following was the first stage of modern psycholinguistics?

(A) Cognitive period

(B) Behaviourism

(C) Functionalism

(D) Structuralism

37. Which two names are often associated with the cognitive period of modern linguistics?

(A) Fodor and Slobin

(B) Bartlett and Ainsworth

(C) Hermann Paul and Chomsky

(D) McClelland and Ellis

38. The term psycholinguistics was first used in which period?

(A) Cognitive period

(B) Linguistic period

(C) Formative period

(D) Pre-paradigm period

39. What does morphology study?

(A) Sentence structure

(B) Pronunciation

(C) Word order

(D) Word structure

40. What is a lemma?

(A) A phonological representation of word

(B) A type of phoneme

(C) A type of morpheme

(D) The abstract form of a word containing information relating to the meaning of a word

41. A hypothesis is

(A) law

(B) canon

(C) postulate

(D) supposition

42. CLASS stands for

(A) Complete Literacy and Studies in Schools

(B) Computer Literates and Students in Schools

(C) Computer Literacy and Studies in Schools

(D) Centre for Literacy and Studies in Schools

43. Who among the following propounded the concept of paradigm?

(A) Peter Haggett

(B) Von Thunen

(C) Thomas Kuhn

(D) John K. Right

44. Aphasia denotes

(A) poetic diction

(B) lighter writings

(C) ludicrous situations

(D) language disorder

45. A woman having literary tastes is known as

(A) Buskin

(B) Anapaest

(C) Blue Stocking

(D) None of the above

46. Panegyric is a formal written of oral composition

(A) deriding a person

(B) lauding a person

(C) lamenting the death of a person

(D) celebrating the marriage of a person

47. The term ‘Science Fiction’ was coined by

(A) H. G. Wells

(B) Kurt Vannegat

(C) J. R. R. Tolkein

(D) Ernest Ackerman

48. Which of the following is not a generally accepted aspect of ‘dialectic’?

(A) Thesis

(B) Antithesis

(C) Nemesis

(D) Synthesis

49. A term that implies literature which has no or not much significance is

(A) Androgyny

(B) Blurb

(C) Grub Street

(D) Canon

50. Why is ‘Universal Grammar’ so called?

(A) It is a set of basis grammatical principles universally followed and easily recognized by people

(B) It is a set of basis grammatical principles assumed to be fundamental to all natural languages.

(C) It is a set of advanced grammatical principles assumed to be fundamental to all natural languages.

(D) It is a set of universally respected practices that have come in time to be known as ‘grammar’.

Answers: 1. C 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. C 7. C 8. B 9. D 10. B 11. C 12. C 13. A 14. C 15. B 16. D 17. A 18. A 19. B 20. A 21. A 22. C 23. C 24. C 25. D 26. C 27. C 28. B 29. C 30. B 31. A 32. C 33. C 34. B 35. C 36. D 37. A 38. C 39. D 40. D 41. D 42. C 43. C 44. D 45. C 46. B 47. D 48. C 49. C 50. B.

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