19 May 2020

Cultural Studies Multiple Choice Questions - English Literature

(Last Updated : 19.05.2020). Check Important Objective Type English Literature Multiple Choice Question Answers on Cultural Studies. These solved question answers on Cultural Studies section of English Literature Objective type question answers (MCQ) can be used as English Literature Study Material for UGC NET English Paper-II and other competitive examinations based on objective type multiple choice questions.
image : English Literature MCQ - Cultural Studies @ TeachMatters
Learn English Literature through these multiple choice objective question answers which are important for the students of English Literature as well as for the candidates who are going to participate in competitive exams based on English Literature General Questions.

 Multiple Choice Question Answers on Cultural Studies - English Literature 

1. What is an archetype?

A. A character from the comic book Asterix the Gaul

B. An ability to communicate to a large audience

C. An ideal or model after which others are patterned

D. None of the above

2. Material feminism studies inequality in terms of

A. Only gender

B. Only class

C. Both class and gender

D. Only patriarchy

3. Who came up with the model of encoding/decoding?

A. Frederic Jameson

B. Jurgen Habermas

C. Stuart Hall

D. Jacobim Mugatu

4. Stuart Hall was inspired by a text written by Antonio Gramsci. What was it called called?

A. The Marxism Diaries

B. The Motorcycle Diaries

C. The Princess Diaries

D. The Prison Diaries

5. What does the term episteme signify?

A. Knowledge

B. Archive

C. Theology

D. Scholarship

6. What is ONE main objective of the Cultural Studies Curriculum?

A. Gain Appreciation

B. Play Sports

C. Have Fun

D. Boost GPA

7. Who is considered the ‘father’ of post-colonial theory?

A. Edward Said

B. Chinua Achebe

C. Homi Bhabha

D. King George

8. Who is considered the ‘father’ of modern African literature?

A. Wole Soyinka

B. J.M. Koetzee

C. Amilcar Cabral

D. Chinua Achebe

9. Who wrote in a novel in response to Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre?

A. Jamaica Kincaid

B. Andrea Levy

C. Jean Rhys

D. Arundhati Roy

10. ‘Lexis’ refers to

A. All word forms having meaning or grammatical functions

B. The history of words

C. Study of select word forms

D. The selection of words

11. Homi Bhabha’s most significant concept is?

A. Postcolonial interpellation

B. The objective correlative

C. Hybridity

D. Orientalism

12. Postcolonial criticism has been important to

A. Third World Feminism

B. Deconstruction

C. Structuralism

D. Psychological approaches

13. Structuralism originated in:

A. 1890’s

B. 1900’s

C. 1960’s

D. 1970’s

14. What is the most important part of literature for a Marxist?

A. The text

B. The intertext

C. The context

D. The pretext

15. What is actually going on behind every story?

A. The Oedipus Complex

B. Language talking about itself

C. The class struggle

D. None of the above

16. The ‘Gang of Four’ regarding structuralism did not include:

A. Levi-Strauss

B. Lacan

C. Barthes

D. Propp

17. who founded new historicism?

A. Jacques Lacan

B. Edward Tylor

C. Stephen Greenblatt

D. Antonio Gramsci

18. Edward Said points to two forms of orientalism. They are

A. Real and fake

B. Voluntary and involuntary

C. Subjective and objective

D. Latent and manifest

19. The New Critics were:

A. Formalist critics

B. Marxist critics

C. Feminist critics

D. Psycological critics

20. D.H. Lawrence popularised the concept of …………. in his novels.

A. Realism

B. Naturalism

C. Primitivism

D. Expressionism

Answers : 1. C 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. A 7. A 8. D 9. C 10. A 11. C 12. A 13. C 14. C 15. C 16. D 17. C 18. D 19. A 20. C.

>> English Literature Important Questions on Cultural Studies

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