23 Dec 2017

HTET PGT Solved Question Paper Level-3 DEC 2017

HTET Solved Question Paper with Answers PGT (Level-3) 23rd DEC 2017

imag : HTET PGT Solved Question Paper DEC 2017 @ TeachMatters

(Last Updated : 15.01.18). HTET Solved Paper DEC 2017 - HTET PGT Exam DEC 2017 was held on 23.12.2017 for level-3. Here is solved question paper with answers for HTET PGT candidates who are appearing in next HTET 2018 PGT Level-3 exam. This question paper is solved on the basis of HTET PGT official Answer Key December 2017.

HTET Solved Question Paper PGT (Level-3) DEC 2017

Also see : HTET PGT Solved Paper 2019 (January)

HTET PGT Child Development & Pedagogy with Answers 2017

1. In the context of co-operative learning STAD refers to :
(1) Student Teacher Achievement Division
(2) Students Team Achievement Division
(3) Students Team Acknowledgement Division
(4) Student Teacher Acquired Division
 Answer : (2)

2.  During which of the following stage children develops ‘Object Permanence’?
(1) Sensory Motor Stage
(2) Pre-operational Stage
(3) Concrete Operational Stage
(4) Formal Operational Stage
 Answer : (1)

3. The feeling of an adolescent ‘everyone noticed that I wore this shirt twice a week’, is an example of :
(1) His awareness
(2) Imaginary audience
(3) Self-regulation
(4) None of the above
 Answer : (2)

4. Which of the following is not true about negative reinforcement?
(1) It increases desirable behaviour.
(2) It is not similar to punishment.
(3) It never increases desirable behaviour.
(4) It can be used for children with special needs.
 Answer : (3)

5. The ‘good boy – good girl’ orientation indicates:
(1) Pre-conventional level morality.
(2) Conventional level morality.
(3) Post-conventional morality.
(4) Both (1) and (3) are correct.
 Answer : (2)

6. Through conditioning a neutral stimulus acquires the power of a reinforce is known as:
(1) Primary reinforcer
(2)  Secondary reinforcer
(3)  Neutral reinforcer
(4) None of the above
 Answer : (2)*

7. According to Piaget, at which age of the morality of co-operation develops?
(1) 5-6 years to 8 years
(2) 9-10 years to older
(3) 12-13 years to older
(4) Below 6 years
 Answer : (2)

8. Two students ‘A’ & ‘B’ were tested a standardized I.Q. test. ‘A’ has an I.Q. of 60 and ‘B’ has an I.Q of 30. Which of the following statement is not true about ‘A’ and/or ‘B’ ?
(1) ‘A’ has mild intellectual disability
(2) ‘B’ has a severe intellectual disability
(3) ‘A’ has a severe intellectual disability
(4) Both (1) and (2) are true
 Answer : (3)

9. From Bronfenbrenner’s perspective which of the following does not belong to the Macro system of the child?
(1) Culture
(2) School
(3) Rules & Laws
(4) Values
 Answer : (2)

10. You greet your parents every morning and your kid learnt the same by watching it. It is an example of :
(1) Observational learning
(2) Operant learning
(3) Classical learning
(4) Learning by insight
 Answer : (1)

11. The expectation based on previous experiences, with a lack of control that all one’s effort will lead to failure, is known as:
(1) Depression
(2) Learned helplessness
(3) Negative attitude
(4) Mania
 Answer : (2)

12. The concept of ‘Life Space’ was given by:
(1) B. F. Skinner
(2) J. B. Watson
(3) Lewin   
(4) E. L. Thorndike
 Answer : (3)

13. The application of an ‘aversive stimulus’ is:
(1) Negative reinforcement
(2) Punishment
(3)  Reward
(4) Shaping
 Answer : (2)*

14. A student works hard to get first rank in his/her class. The type of motivation behind his/her hard work is:
(1) Intrinsic motivation
(2) Extrinsic motivation
(3) Zero motivation
(4) None of the above
 Answer : (2)*

15. The phrase at which a child can master a task if given appropriate help and support, is known as:
(1) Zone of mastery
(2) Zone of proximal development
(3) Zone of learning
(4) None of the above
 Answer : (2)*

16. The ‘two factor theory of Intelligence’ was given by:
(1) Thurston
(2) Spearman
(3) Binet
(4) Piaget
 Answer : (2)

 17. The statement ‘first do what I want you to do, then you may do what you want to do’,best describes:
(1) Premack Principal
(2) Law of Readiness
(3) Law of Exercise
(4) Law of Continuity
 Answer : (1)

18. The term used to describe ‘reading disability’ is:
(1) Dyslexia
(2) Dysgraphia
(3) Dyscalculia
(4) Dysparaxia
 Answer : (1)

19. The rules for when and how to use language to be an effective communicator in a particular culture, is known as:
(1) Phonetics
(2) Phoenix
(3) Pragmatics
(4) Semantics
 Answer : (3)

20. Cognition about one’s own cognitive processes can be termed as:
(1) Recognition
(2) Meta cognition
(3) Identity
(4) Perception
 Answer : (2)

21. Reinforcing each small step of progress toward a desired goal until it is learnt completely, is known as:
(1) Chaining
(2) Shaping
(3) Cuing
(4) Modelling
 Answer : (2)*

22. The first stage of development of ‘Gender Constancy’ is:
(1) Gender Stability
(2) Gender Labelling
(3) Gender Consistency
(4) None of the above
 Answer : (2)*

23. Application of abstract knowledge learnt in one situation to a different situation can be termed as:
(1) Negative Transfer
(2) High road Transfer
(3)  Zero Transfer
(4) None of the above
 Answer : (2)

24.  You have introduced ‘weekly quiz’ in your class to assess student’s progress. You are using which schedule of reinforcement?
(1) Fixed Ratio
(2) Variable Ratio
(3) Fixed Interval
(4) Variable Interval
 Answer : (3)

25. PECS is a method of teaching, which may be used for:
(1) Children with Aulism Spectrum Disorders
(2) Children with Communication Impairment
(3) Both (1) and (2)
(4) None of the above
Answer : (3) 

26. Building ‘schemes’ through direct interaction with environment is known as :
(1) Organisation
(2) Equilibration
(3) Adaptation
(4) Ego-centricism
 Answer : (3)

27. Which of the following is not a component of Reciprocal Teaching?
(1) Questioning
(2) Clarifying
(3) Predicting
(4) None of the above
 Answer : (4)

28. The ability of ‘Seriation’ is the characteristic of the:
(1) Sensory Motor Stage
(2) Pre-operational Stage
(3) Concrete Operational Stage
(4) None of the above
 Answer : (3)

29. The first person who used the term ‘Learning Disabilities’ was:
(1) Skinner
(2) Samuel Kirk
(3) Sigmund Freud
(4) Wilhem Wundt
 Answer : (2)

30. The view “Children speak to themselves for self guidance”, was given by :
(1) Piaget
(2) Vygotsky
(3) Freud
(4) Bronfenbrenner
Answer : (2)
Note : 
  • This HTET Paper solution is solved with official answer key provided by HBSE.
  • This paper solution will be updated at regular intervals, so visit this page regularly.
  • There may be some incorrect answers in the unofficial answer key of HTET DEC 2017 Level-3 exam. So, paper will be updated when any update is available from the HBSE.
  • Other part of this paper will be updated soon.


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