22 Feb 2025

UGC NET Result 2024 JRF Cut-off Marks

NTA UGC NET Result 2024 Cut-off Marks - Subject-Wise & Category-Wise

image : CBSE UGC NET Result & Cut-off Marks @ TeachMatters
(Last Updated: 22.02.2025). Check UGC NET Result 2024 Cut Off Marks: UGC NET December 2024 Result & Cut Off Marks have been released. After the publication of Final answer key of UGC NET December 2024 exam UGC NET Result 2025 Cut-off Marks has been declared by NTA for December 2024 Exam.

UGC NET 2024 Result is declared on 22.02.2025. Candidates who appeared in NET Exam 2024 may download result and cut-off marks from here as and when the result is being declared by NTA along with cut-off marks.

Check here latest Result and Cut-off Marks of UGC NET 2024 December exam held in January 2025.

UGC NET Result 2024 (December) Cut-off Marks

UGC NET December 2024 Result has been declared by NTA along with the final answer key and cut-off marks for every subject and category. The result is declared in the month of February 2025. Candidates can check their results at the official website of NTA NET i.e. www.ntanet.nic.in.

Check and Download Result/Score Card of UGC NET December 2024 (declared on 22.02.2025)

Check and Download Result/Score Card of UGC NET June 2024 (declared on 17.10.2024)

Download Declaration of Result Notice of UGC NET June 2024 (17.10.2024)

Download Category/Subject-wise Cut-off Marks of UGC NET June 2024 (17.10.2024)

UGC NET Result 2023 (December) Cut-off Marks

Check and Download Result/Score Card of UGC NET December 2023 (declared on 20.01.2024)

Download Category/Subject-wise Cut-off Marks of UGC NET December 2023 (20.01.2024)

UGC NET Result 2023 (June) Cut-off Marks

Check and Download Result/Score Card of UGC NET June 2023 (declared on 25.07.2023)

Download Result/Score Card Notice of UGC NET June 2023 (25.07.2023)

Download Declaration of Result Notice of UGC NET June 2023 (25.07.2023)

Download Category/Subject-wise Cut-off Marks of UGC NET June 2023 (25.07.2023)

UGC NET Result 2022 (December) Cut-off Marks

Check and Download Result/Score Card of UGC NET Dec. 2022 (declared on 13.04.2023)

Download Result/Score Card Notice of UGC NET Dec. 2022 (13.04.2023)

Download Declaration of Result Notice of UGC NET Dec. 2022 (13.04.2023)

Download Category/Subject-wise Cut-off Marks of UGC NET Dec. 2022 (13.04.2023)

Download Category/Subject-wise Cut-off Marks Percentile of UGC NET Dec. 2022 (13.04.2023)

UGC NET Result December 2021 June 2022 Cut-off Marks

Download Category/Subject-wise Cut-off Marks Percentile of UGC NET Dec. 2021-June 2022 (25.11.2022)

Download Category/Subject-wise Cut-off Marks Percentile of UGC NET Dec. 2021-June 2022-2 (25.11.2022)

UGC NET Result 2020 (June) Cut-off Marks

Check and Download Result/Score Card of UGC NET June 2020 (declared on 30.11.2020)

Download Result Notice of UGC NET June 2020 (01.12.2020)

Download Category/Subject-wise Cut-off Marks of UGC NET June 2020 (30.11.2020)

Download Category/Subject-wise Cut-off-2 Marks of UGC NET June 2020 (30.11.2020)

UGC NET Result 2019 (December) Cut-off Marks

Check and Download Result/Score Card of UGC NET DEC 2019 (declared on 31.12.19)

Download Category/Subject-wise Cut-off Marks of UGC NET DEC 2019 (31.12.19)

Download Result Notice of UGC NET DEC 2019 (31.12.19)

Download Final Answer Keys of UGC NET DEC 2019 (31.12.19)

UGC NET Result 2019 (June) Cut-off Marks

Check UGC NET Result June 2019 (Server-1)

Check UGC NET Result June 2019 (Server-2)

Download Category/Subject-wise Cut-off Marks of UGC NET JUNE 2019

UGC NET Result 2018 December Cut-off Marks

UGC NET DEC 2018 Result was declared by CBSE along with final answer key and cut-off marks for every subject and category. The result is declared in the month of January 2019. Candidates can check their result at the official website of NTA NET i.e. www.ntanet.nic.in.

Check UGC NET Result DEC 2018

UGC NET DEC 2018 Cut-off Marks for JRF & Assistant Professor (Official)

Download Category/Subject-wise Cut-off Marks of UGC NET DEC 2018 (05.01.19)

UGC NET July 2018 Cut-off Marks for JRF & Assistant Professor (Official)

CBSE released subject cum category wise cut-off marks/qualifying percentage for JRF and eligibility for Assistant Professor exam 08.07.2018. Check Cut-off details of UGC NET July 2018.

Download Category/Subject-wise Cut-off Marks of UGC NET July 2018

Check UGC NET Result July 2018

Download Complete Result for UGC NET July 2018 as .pdf

UGC NET Cut-off Marks 2017 (Category & Subject-wise)

UGC NET 2017 Cut-off Marks has been declared for every subject and category along with result and final answer key of CBSE NET NOV 2017. Candidates are required to obtain minimum marks in aggregate of all three paper as per their category and qualifying criteria of UGC NET.

Expected Cut Off Marks UGC NET NOV 2017 - This time NET Result will be declared as per the new qualifying criteria adopted by CBSE for UGC NET November 2017 Exam. So, there may be a significant change in the cut-off marks of every subject. Some candidates complained that Paper 1 of NET NOV 2017 was tough as per the given time. While Paper-2 and Paper 3 of some subjects were average for candidates' point of view. So, expected cut off marks of UGC NET November 2017 can be guessed only through candidates' performance in their subject. Cut-off marks will be varied from subject to subject and category to category.

Revised Qualifying Criteria - For clearing UGC NET Exam, candidates are required to obtain minimum  (aggregate) marks in all three papers - Paper-1, Paper-2 & Paper-3 as per their category. After step 1, 6% of the candidates appeared in all three papers of NET November, 2017 will be qualified for UGC NET Exam. Candidates are required to obtain total marks as per the cut-off marks of their category and subject.

Procedure & Criteria for Declaration of Result :

This will comprise of following steps:

Step I : The candidates are required to obtain minimum marks in aggregate of all three papers i.e. Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper –III for considering a candidate for the award of JRF and eligibility for Assistant Professor as given below:

CATEGORY : Minimum Marks (%) to be obtained PAPER – I PAPER – II PAPER - III
GENERAL : 40% aggregate marks in all the three papers taken together
OBC (Non-creamy layer)/PwD/SC/ST : 35% aggregate marks in all the three papers taken together

Step II : Amongst those candidates who have appeared in all three papers and cleared step I, a merit list will be prepared subject-wise and category-wise using the aggregate marks of all the three papers secured by such candidates.

Step III : The number of slots for eligibility for Assistant Professor only will be equal to the 6% of the candidates appeared in all three papers of NET. The subject-wise and category-wise distribution of slots will be calculated by using the similar formula as used for calculation slots of JRF as mentioned below.

Step IV : A separate merit list for the award of JRF will be prepared from amongst the NET qualified candidates figuring in the merit list prepared under step III by using the formula mentioned below.

Formula for Calculating No. of Slots for Eligibility for Assistant Professor & JRF -

No. of slots under General (UR) category for JRF in a subject =

No. of candidates who have opted for JRF and are qualified for eligibility for Assistant Professor in that subject 
No. of slots available under General (UR) category 
Total No. of General (UR) candidates who have opted for JRF and are qualified for eligibility for Assistant Professor

Similar formula will be used for OBC/SC/ST category and all the subjects.

How CBSE will Calculate Cut Off Marks of NET November 2017 Exam -

CBSE will declare the result as per the new criteria sited above. Only (top) 6% of candidates appeared in all three papers will be qualified for UGC NET NOV 2017. Here is the example -

Suppose :
  1. Total No. of Candidates Applied for UGC NET NOV 2017 : 9,00,000
  2. Total No. of Candidates Appeared in all three Papers : 8,00,000
  3. Step I - Total No. of Candidates Cleared Step I (obtained minimum marks as per their category) : 5,00,000
  4. Step II - A Merit List of 5,00,000 candidates who have cleared Step I will be prepared subject-wise and category-wise.
  5. Step III - Total No. of Candidates Qualified for UGC NET : 6% of 5,00,000 (5,00,000 ×  6 ÷  100) = 30,000 (all subjects & categories)
  6. Step IV - A separate merit list for the award of JRF will be prepared amongst the NET qualified candidates figuring in the merit list prepared under step III by using the formula mentioned above.

Note : The above calculation (& figures) are used for example purpose only. The actual figures will be as per the candidates' performance in the exam which will be released by CBSE at the time of declaration of the result.

See Also : UGC NET Answer Key NOV 2017

UGC NET Result & Cut Off Marks 2017 (November & January)

UGC NET Result 2017 (November) -

UGC NET Result 2017 for November Exam was declared on 02.01.2018. Candidates can check their result marks at the below links.

Link for UGC NET NOV 2017 Result

Download Complete Result of Candidates Qualified for UGC NET NOV 2017

UGC NET CUT-OFF MARKS 2017 (November)

Check and download Cut-off marks & result of UGC-NET NOV 2017 Exam. Cut-off marks are available for all categories and subjects. Candidates who will get equal and more marks to the cut-off marks, will be qualified for UGC NET and JRF.

Download Category/Subject-wise Cut-off Marks of UGC NET November 2017

Download UGC NET NOV 2017 Cut-off Marks as.pdf

UGC NET Result 2017 (January) -

UGC NET Result 2017 for January Exam was declared on 29.05.2017. Candidates can check their result marks at the below links.

Link for UGC NET JAN 2017 Result

Download Complete Result of Candidates Qualified for UGC NET JAN 2017

UGC NET CUT-OFF MARKS 2017 (January)

Check and download Cut-off marks along with result of UGC-NET 2017 Exam. Cut-off marks are available for all categories and subjects. Candidates who will get equal and more marks to the cut-off marks, will be qualified for UGC NET and JRF.

S Code Subject Category JRF Lecturership
001 (001) Economics UNRESERVED 65.14 74 60.00 387
001 (001) Economics OBC 60.57 40 52.57 354
001 (001) Economics SC 54.86 17 49.71 90
001 (001) Economics ST 56.57 9 50.86 47
001 (001) Economics PWD 53.14 5 48.57 9
002 (002) Political Science UNRESERVED 61.14 56 57.14 214
002 (002) Political Science OBC 57.14 30 50.86 338
002 (002) Political Science SC 53.71 16 49.14 90
002 (002) Political Science ST 52.57 16 48.57 74
002 (002) Political Science PWD 51.43 5 49.14 15
003 (003) Philosophy UNRESERVED 65.71 17 60.57 85
003 (003) Philosophy OBC 61.14 8 53.14 74
003 (003) Philosophy SC 60.57 6 50.86 30
003 (003) Philosophy ST 56.00 2 53.71 13
003 (003) Philosophy PWD 52.00 1 50.29 3
004 (004) Psychology UNRESERVED 64.57 31 59.43 200
004 (004) Psychology OBC 60.00 13 53.14 119
004 (004) Psychology SC 57.71 9 52.00 38
004 (004) Psychology ST 55.43 3 50.86 14
004 (004) Psychology PWD 53.71 1 49.14 2
005 (005) Sociology UNRESERVED 68.57 84 63.43 386
005 (005) Sociology OBC 65.14 36 56.00 296
005 (005) Sociology SC 61.71 23 54.29 124
005 (005) Sociology ST 60.57 15 53.14 77
005 (005) Sociology PWD 57.71 6 52.57 11
006 (006) History UNRESERVED 62.86 99 60.00 446
006 (006) History OBC 60.57 85 53.71 862
006 (006) History SC 56.57 45 51.43 313
006 (006) History ST 56.57 25 50.86 134
006 (006) History PWD 54.29 14 50.86 42
007 (007) Anthropology UNRESERVED 65.71 9 60.57 46
007 (007) Anthropology OBC 63.43 3 54.29 26
007 (007) Anthropology SC 60.57 3 53.71 11
007 (007) Anthropology ST 56.57 5 51.43 24
007 (007) Anthropology PWD 45.71 1 45.71 1
008 (008) Commerce UNRESERVED 64.57 181 58.86 952
008 (008) Commerce OBC 58.29 120 50.86 1243
008 (008) Commerce SC 55.43 41 49.14 263
008 (008) Commerce ST 54.29 16 49.71 83
008 (008) Commerce PWD 55.43 7 49.71 23
009 (009) Education UNRESERVED 63.43 123 58.29 777
009 (009) Education OBC 58.86 50 51.43 672
009 (009) Education SC 56.00 33 50.29 221
009 (009) Education ST 54.29 18 49.71 90
009 (009) Education PWD 53.14 8 49.71 25
010 (010) Social Work UNRESERVED 62.86 64 58.86 279
010 (010) Social Work OBC 60.00 30 53.71 206
010 (010) Social Work SC 56.57 16 50.86 86
010 (010) Social Work ST 57.14 17 52.57 62
010 (010) Social Work PWD 62.29 1 51.43 4
011 (011) Defence and Strategic StudUNRESERVED 64.00 5 61.14 25
011 (011) Defence and Strategic StudOBC 61.14 4 54.29 17
011 (011) Defence and Strategic StudSC 57.14 1 51.43 6
011 (011) Defence and Strategic StudST 54.86 1 54.29 2
011 (011) Defence and Strategic StudPWD 47.43 1 47.43 2
012 (012) Home Science UNRESERVED 66.29 57 59.43 321
012 (012) Home Science OBC 60.57 30 52.57 222
012 (012) Home Science SC 58.29 9 52.00 55
012 (012) Home Science ST 57.14 3 53.71 14
012 (012) Home Science PWD 51.43 3 51.43 3
014 (014) Public Administration UNRESERVED 64.00 7 61.14 37
014 (014) Public Administration OBC 60.00 5 53.71 45
014 (014) Public Administration SC 54.86 2 50.86 10
014 (014) Public Administration ST 56.57 1 53.14 6
014 (014) Public Administration PWD 48.00 1 48.00 1
015 (015) Population Studies UNRESERVED 67.43 14 64.00 69
015 (015) Population Studies OBC 65.71 7 57.14 43
015 (015) Population Studies SC 61.71 3 55.43 11
015 (015) Population Studies ST 61.14 1 55.43 4
015 (015) Population Studies PWD 54.86 1 54.86 1
016 (016) Hindustani Music (Voc./Inst UNRESERVED 70.29 11 64.00 64
016 (016) Hindustani Music (Voc./Inst OBC 66.86 4 57.71 31
016 (016) Hindustani Music (Voc./Inst SC 64.57 4 55.43 19
016 (016) Hindustani Music (Voc./Inst ST 54.86 --- 54.86 1
016 (016) Hindustani Music (Voc./Inst PWD 69.71 1 62.29 2
017 (017) Management UNRESERVED 64.57 57 59.43 440
017 (017) Management OBC 60.00 30 52.00 376
017 (017) Management SC 56.57 18 50.29 115
017 (017) Management ST 54.86 7 50.86 29
017 (017) Management PWD 55.43 1 50.29 10
018 (018) Maithili UNRESERVED 69.14 1 62.29 4
018 (018) Maithili OBC 66.86 1 61.14 4
018 (018) Maithili SC 57.71 1 57.71 1
018 (018) Maithili ST --- --- --- ---
018 (018) Maithili PWD --- --- --- ---
019 (019) Bengali UNRESERVED 64.00 1 57.71 6
019 (019) Bengali OBC 58.29 1 47.43 10
019 (019) Bengali SC 62.86 1 50.29 7
019 (019) Bengali ST 44.00 1 44.00 1
019 (019) Bengali PWD 49.14 1 49.14 1
020 (020) Hindi UNRESERVED 61.71 191 58.29 755
020 (020) Hindi OBC 59.43 132 53.14 1131
020 (020) Hindi SC 56.00 67 50.86 362
020 (020) Hindi ST 54.86 26 50.86 118
020 (020) Hindi PWD 53.71 17 50.29 38
021 (021) Kannada UNRESERVED 59.43 6 57.14 27
021 (021) Kannada OBC 57.14 5 51.43 63
021 (021) Kannada SC 54.29 5 50.29 27
021 (021) Kannada ST 57.14 2 53.71 8
021 (021) Kannada PWD 50.29 --- 50.29 2
022 (022) Malayalam UNRESERVED 62.29 10 58.86 57
022 (022) Malayalam OBC 60.00 8 53.14 80
022 (022) Malayalam SC 56.00 2 52.57 16
022 (022) Malayalam ST 48.57 1 48.57 1
022 (022) Malayalam PWD 50.86 1 50.86 1
023 (023) Odia UNRESERVED 56.57 3 54.86 6
023 (023) Odia OBC 53.71 2 49.71 14
023 (023) Odia SC 49.71 1 48.00 5
023 (023) Odia ST 52.57 1 48.57 2
023 (023) Odia PWD 49.71 1 40.57 2
024 (024) Punjabi UNRESERVED 58.86 3 54.29 19
024 (024) Punjabi OBC 54.29 1 47.43 16
024 (024) Punjabi SC 50.86 6 46.86 21
024 (024) Punjabi ST --- --- --- ---
024 (024) Punjabi PWD 48.57 --- 48.57 1
025 (025) Sanskrit UNRESERVED 72.00 43 64.00 214
025 (025) Sanskrit OBC 65.71 23 56.00 212
025 (025) Sanskrit SC 61.71 16 53.71 93
025 (025) Sanskrit ST 56.57 4 52.57 18
025 (025) Sanskrit PWD 54.29 3 52.57 5
026 (026) Tamil UNRESERVED 61.71 3 54.29 14
026 (026) Tamil OBC 54.86 6 49.71 82
026 (026) Tamil SC 53.14 4 48.57 30
026 (026) Tamil ST 41.14 --- 41.14 1
026 (026) Tamil PWD 46.86 2 46.86 2
027 (027) Telugu UNRESERVED 63.43 14 58.29 68
027 (027) Telugu OBC 60.00 18 52.57 125
027 (027) Telugu SC 58.29 8 52.00 40
027 (027) Telugu ST 60.57 2 51.43 11
027 (027) Telugu PWD 53.14 3 50.29 5
028 (028) Urdu UNRESERVED 62.86 11 59.43 38
028 (028) Urdu OBC 60.57 8 52.57 55
028 (028) Urdu SC 57.14 1 53.14 2
028 (028) Urdu ST 57.14 1 52.00 5
028 (028) Urdu PWD 56.57 1 55.43 2
029 (029) Arabie UNRESERVED 66.29 3 60.00 15
029 (029) Arabie OBC 60.00 4 51.43 26
029 (029) Arabie SC --- --- --- ---
029 (029) Arabie ST 49.71 1 49.71 1
029 (029) Arabie PWD 46.86 1 46.86 1
030 (030) English UNRESERVED 64.00 39 59.43 167
030 (030) English OBC 57.71 21 50.29 266
030 (030) English SC 53.71 10 49.71 54
030 (030) English ST 53.14 5 49.14 29
030 (030) English PWD 53.71 3 50.86 6
031 (031) Linguistics UNRESERVED 69.14 7 64.00 30
031 (031) Linguistics OBC 66.29 3 55.43 24
031 (031) Linguistics SC 60.57 1 56.00 4
031 (031) Linguistics ST 57.71 2 52.00 12
031 (031) Linguistics PWD 49.71 1 49.71 1
032 (032) Chinese UNRESERVED 58.86 1 58.29 3
032 (032) Chinese OBC 56.00 1 56.00 1
032 (032) Chinese SC 47.43 1 47.43 1
032 (032) Chinese ST 49.71 1 49.71 1
032 (032) Chinese PWD --- --- --- ---
033 (033) Dogri UNRESERVED 61.71 1 61.71 1
033 (033) Dogri OBC --- --- --- ---
033 (033) Dogri SC 56.00 1 56.00 1
033 (033) Dogri ST --- --- --- ---
033 (033) Dogri PWD --- --- --- ---
034 (034) Nepali UNRESERVED 58.29 --- 58.29 1
034 (034) Nepali OBC 50.86 --- 50.86 1
034 (034) Nepali SC 43.43 1 43.43 1
034 (034) Nepali ST 45.14 2 45.14 2
034 (034) Nepali PWD --- --- --- ---
035 (035) Manipuri UNRESERVED 62.29 1 60.00 2
035 (035) Manipuri OBC 60.00 1 54.29 6
035 (035) Manipuri SC 48.57 1 48.57 1
035 (035) Manipuri ST --- --- --- ---
035 (035) Manipuri PWD --- --- --- ---
036 (036) Assamese UNRESERVED 65.71 8 61.14 40
036 (036) Assamese OBC 64.00 6 57.14 40
036 (036) Assamese SC 62.86 1 57.71 6
036 (036) Assamese ST 63.43 3 57.71 10
036 (036) Assamese PWD 54.86 1 54.86 1
037 (037) Gujarati UNRESERVED 58.29 1 56.57 2
037 (037) Gujarati OBC 52.57 1 49.71 5
037 (037) Gujarati SC 52.00 1 50.29 3
037 (037) Gujarati ST 46.29 1 45.71 4
037 (037) Gujarati PWD --- --- --- ---
038 (038) Marathi UNRESERVED 54.20 1 55.43 3
038 (038) Marathi OBC 54.29 1 48.57 21
038 (038) Marathi SC 49.71 2 47.43 9
038 (038) Marathi ST 53.71 1 46.86 4
038 (038) Marathi PWD 45.71 --- 45.71 1
039 (039) French UNRESERVED 65.14 2 63.43 6
039 (039) French OBC 57.14 1 52.00 7
039 (039) French SC 56.57 1 56.57 1
039 (039) French ST 45.14 --- 45.14 1
039 (039) French PWD 40.00 1 40.00 1
040 (040) Spanish UNRESERVED 76.57 1 69.71 3
040 (040) Spanish OBC 72.57 1 69.14 1
040 (040) Spanish SC 50.29 1 50.29 1
040 (040) Spanish ST --- --- --- ---
040 (040) Spanish PWD --- --- --- ---
041 (041) Russian UNRESERVED 63.43 1 62.86 2
041 (041) Russian OBC 53.14 3 53.14 3
041 (041) Russian SC 48.57 1 48.57 1
041 (041) Russian ST 43.43 1 43.43 1
041 (041) Russian PWD --- --- --- ---
042 (042) Persian UNRESERVED 77.71 1 64.57 5
042 (042) Persian OBC 64.00 2 62.86 5
042 (042) Persian SC 45.14 1 45.14 1
042 (042) Persian ST 67.43 1 55.43 1
042 (042) Persian PWD 47.43 --- 47.43 1
043 (043) Rajasthani UNRESERVED 62.86 1 58.29 7
043 (043) Rajasthani OBC 61.14 1 54.86 8
043 (043) Rajasthani SC 54.86 --- 54.86 2
043 (043) Rajasthani ST 52.57 1 52.57 2
043 (043) Rajasthani PWD 53.71 --- 53.71 1
044 (044) German UNRESERVED 73.71 1 66.29 8
044 (044) German OBC 62.86 1 59.43 3
044 (044) German SC 56.00 1 56.00 1
044 (044) German ST --- --- --- ---
044 (044) German PWD --- --- --- ---
045 (045) Japanese UNRESERVED 59.43 1 59.43 1
045 (045) Japanese OBC 48.00 1 48.00 1
045 (045) Japanese SC --- --- --- ---
045 (045) Japanese ST --- --- --- ---
045 (045) Japanese PWD --- --- --- ---
046 (046) Adult Edu./Con. Edu./AndraUNRESERVED 72.57 9 67.43 42
046 (046) Adult Edu./Con. Edu./AndraOBC 70.29 3 62.86 26
046 (046) Adult Edu./Con. Edu./AndraSC 65.71 5 59.43 14
046 (046) Adult Edu./Con. Edu./AndraST 68.57 2 61.14 11
046 (046) Adult Edu./Con. Edu./AndraPWD 66.86 1 58.29 1
047 (047) Physical Education UNRESERVED 60.00 3 55.43 12
047 (047) Physical Education OBC 55.43 4 47.43 48
047 (047) Physical Education SC 49.71 3 46.86 18
047 (047) Physical Education ST 51.43 1 46.86 6
047 (047) Physical Education PWD --- --- --- ---
049 (049) Arab Culture and Islamic StUNRESERVED 78.29 3 70.86 20
049 (049) Arab Culture and Islamic StOBC 77.14 1 64.57 11
049 (049) Arab Culture and Islamic StSC 43.43 1 43.43 1
049 (049) Arab Culture and Islamic StST 74.86 1 --- ---
049 (049) Arab Culture and Islamic StPWD 58.86 --- 58.86 1
050 (050) Indian Culture UNRESERVED 66.86 1 62.86 3
050 (050) Indian Culture OBC 62.86 1 54.29 6
050 (050) Indian Culture SC 53.71 1 50.86 3
050 (050) Indian Culture ST 50.29 1 50.29 1
050 (050) Indian Culture PWD --- --- --- ---
055 (055) Lab. Welfare/PM/IR/Lab.&SUNRESERVED 65.14 13 60.57 74
055 (055) Lab. Welfare/PM/IR/Lab.&SOBC 60.57 5 54.29 50
055 (055) Lab. Welfare/PM/IR/Lab.&SSC 58.86 4 51.43 24
055 (055) Lab. Welfare/PM/IR/Lab.&SST 59.43 2 52.57 8
055 (055) Lab. Welfare/PM/IR/Lab.&SPWD 57.71 1 53.14 2
058 (058) Law UNRESERVED 64.00 25 60.00 137
058 (058) Law OBC 59.43 12 53.14 124
058 (058) Law SC 56.00 10 51.43 45
058 (058) Law ST 53.71 2 50.29 15
058 (058) Law PWD 58.29 2 49.71 5
059 (059) Library and Information ScieUNRESERVED 60.00 19 57.14 92
059 (059) Library and Information ScieOBC 56.57 15 50.29 174
059 (059) Library and Information ScieSC 53.14 10 48.57 74
059 (059) Library and Information ScieST 53.71 3 49.14 22
059 (059) Library and Information SciePWD 56.00 2 49.14 7
060 (060) Buddhist,Jaina,Gandhian & UNRESERVED 72.00 3 66.86 16
060 (060) Buddhist,Jaina,Gandhian & OBC 68.00 1 60.00 6
060 (060) Buddhist,Jaina,Gandhian & SC 66.86 1 56.57 3
060 (060) Buddhist,Jaina,Gandhian & ST 66.86 1 63.43 3
060 (060) Buddhist,Jaina,Gandhian &PWD 55.43 1 55.43 1
062 (062) Comparative Study of ReligUNRESERVED 76.57 1 70.29 8
062 (062) Comparative Study of ReligOBC 70.86 1 65.14 3
062 (062) Comparative Study of ReligSC 70.86 1 66.29 1
062 (062) Comparative Study of ReligST --- --- --- ---
062 (062) Comparative Study of ReligPWD 52.57 1 52.57 1
063 (063) Mass Communication and JUNRESERVED 64.57 25 60.00 146
063 (063) Mass Communication and JOBC 61.14 11 52.57 111
063 (063) Mass Communication and JSC 57.71 5 51.43 31
063 (063) Mass Communication and JST 57.14 2 51.43 13
063 (063) Mass Communication and JPWD 56.57 --- 56.57 1
065 (065) Dance UNRESERVED 62.86 2 57.14 14
065 (065) Dance OBC 61.71 1 52.00 6
065 (065) Dance SC 57.14 1 55.43 1
065 (065) Dance ST 49.14 1 49.14 1
065 (065) Dance PWD --- --- --- ---
066 (066) Museology & Conservation UNRESERVED 72.00 1 63.43 7
066 (066) Museology & Conservation OBC 60.57 1 58.29 2
066 (066) Museology & Conservation SC 57.71 1 57.71 1
066 (066) Museology & Conservation ST 57.71 1 57.71 1
066 (066) Museology & Conservation PWD 54.86 1 54.86 1
067 (067) Archaeology UNRESERVED 63.43 7 60.00 26
067 (067) Archaeology OBC 61.14 2 54.86 17
067 (067) Archaeology SC 60.00 1 49.14 5
067 (067) Archaeology ST 60.00 1 49.71 3
067 (067) Archaeology PWD 54.29 1 54.29 1
068 (068) Criminology UNRESERVED 68.00 1 63.43 9
068 (068) Criminology OBC 64.00 1 57.71 4
068 (068) Criminology SC 61.14 1 56.00 3
068 (068) Criminology ST --- --- --- ---
068 (068) Criminology PWD --- --- --- ---
070 (070) Tribal and Regional LanguaUNRESERVED 65.71 2 57.71 10
070 (070) Tribal and Regional LanguaOBC 59.43 1 54.29 8
070 (070) Tribal and Regional LanguaSC 53.14 --- 53.14 1
070 (070) Tribal and Regional LanguaST 60.57 3 52.57 13
070 (070) Tribal and Regional LanguaPWD --- --- --- ---
071 (071) Folk Literature UNRESERVED 70.29 1 56.57 2
071 (071) Folk Literature OBC 49.71 1 49.71 2
071 (071) Folk Literature SC 48.00 1 48.00 1
071 (071) Folk Literature ST 50.86 1 50.86 1
071 (071) Folk Literature PWD --- --- --- ---
072 (072) Comparative Literature UNRESERVED 70.86 1 70.86 1
072 (072) Comparative Literature OBC 65.14 --- 65.14 1
072 (072) Comparative Literature SC 45.14 1 45.14 1
072 (072) Comparative Literature ST --- --- --- ---
072 (072) Comparative Literature PWD --- --- --- ---
073 (073) Sanskrit Traditional SubjectUNRESERVED 69.71 3 64.00 21
073 (073) Sanskrit Traditional SubjectOBC 60.57 2 53.71 16
073 (073) Sanskrit Traditional SubjectSC 53.71 2 52.57 4
073 (073) Sanskrit Traditional SubjectST 53.14 1 49.14 2
073 (073) Sanskrit Traditional SubjectPWD 57.14 1 57.14 1
074 (074) Women Studies UNRESERVED 61.71 1 56.57 10
074 (074) Women Studies OBC 56.00 1 51.43 10
074 (074) Women Studies SC 54.86 1 48.57 9
074 (074) Women Studies ST 53.14 2 53.14 2
074 (074) Women Studies PWD 50.29 1 50.29 1
079 (079) Visual Art UNRESERVED 61.71 10 57.71 43
079 (079) Visual Art OBC 58.86 9 52.00 80
079 (079) Visual Art SC 53.71 7 49.71 27
079 (079) Visual Art ST 55.43 1 53.71 3
079 (079) Visual Art PWD 52.57 1 50.29 2
080 (080) Geography UNRESERVED 64.00 172 59.43 750
080 (080) Geography OBC 61.14 102 53.71 723
080 (080) Geography SC 58.29 62 53.14 284
080 (080) Geography ST 56.57 28 50.86 125
080 (080) Geography PWD 56.00 9 52.57 18
081 (081) Social Medicine & CommunUNRESERVED 66.29 6 61.14 32
081 (081) Social Medicine & CommunOBC 62.29 2 54.29 23
081 (081) Social Medicine & CommunSC 59.43 2 54.86 9
081 (081) Social Medicine & CommunST 61.14 1 52.00 3
081 (081) Social Medicine & CommunPWD 46.86 1 46.86 1
082 (082) Forensic Science UNRESERVED 68.00 3 60.57 14
082 (082) Forensic Science OBC 58.86 2 51.43 17
082 (082) Forensic Science SC 61.14 2 53.14 8
082 (082) Forensic Science ST 56.00 1 56.00 1
082 (082) Forensic Science PWD 40.57 1 40.57 1
083 (083) Pali UNRESERVED 65.14 1 59.43 4
083 (083) Pali OBC 61.71 1 58.86 1
083 (083) Pali SC 66.29 1 55.43 4
083 (083) Pali ST 54.29 --- 54.29 1
083 (083) Pali PWD --- --- --- ---
084 (084) Kashmiri UNRESERVED 57.14 2 57.14 2
084 (084) Kashmiri OBC 44.57 1 44.57 1
084 (084) Kashmiri SC --- --- --- ---
084 (084) Kashmiri ST --- --- --- ---
084 (084) Kashmiri PWD --- --- --- ---
085 (085) Konkani UNRESERVED --- --- --- ---
085 (085) Konkani OBC --- --- --- ---
085 (085) Konkani SC --- --- --- ---
085 (085) Konkani ST --- --- --- ---
085 (085) Konkani PWD --- --- --- ---
087 (087) Computer Science and AppUNRESERVED 68.57 26 62.86 179
087 (087) Computer Science and AppOBC 61.71 29 53.71 273
087 (087) Computer Science and AppSC 57.71 8 52.57 59
087 (087) Computer Science and AppST 54.86 2 51.43 11
087 (087) Computer Science and AppPWD 53.71 2 49.14 6
088 (088) Electronic Science UNRESERVED 63.43 43 58.86 223
088 (088) Electronic Science OBC 60.00 23 53.14 196
088 (088) Electronic Science SC 57.71 11 52.57 52
088 (088) Electronic Science ST 56.00 2 50.86 9
088 (088) Electronic Science PWD 54.86 1 48.00 2
089 (089) Environmental Sciences UNRESERVED 64.57 23 60.57 101
089 (089) Environmental Sciences OBC 61.14 18 52.57 152
089 (089) Environmental Sciences SC 56.00 9 52.00 49
089 (089) Environmental Sciences ST 56.00 8 50.86 34
089 (089) Environmental Sciences PWD 57.14 1 52.57 2
090 (090) International and Area StudUNRESERVED 65.71 3 60.57 16
090 (090) International and Area StudOBC 64.00 1 56.57 8
090 (090) International and Area StudSC 61.14 1 54.86 4
090 (090) International and Area StudST 58.29 1 53.14 6
090 (090) International and Area StudPWD 60.00 1 54.29 1
091 (091) Prakrit UNRESERVED 67.43 1 67.43 1
091 (091) Prakrit OBC 62.86 --- 62.86 1
091 (091) Prakrit SC 47.43 1 47.43 1
091 (091) Prakrit ST --- --- --- ---
091 (091) Prakrit PWD 41.71 --- 41.71 1
092 (092) Human Rights and Duties UNRESERVED 68.00 2 61.71 9
092 (092) Human Rights and Duties OBC 61.14 1 53.71 7
092 (092) Human Rights and Duties SC 62.29 1 58.29 3
092 (092) Human Rights and Duties ST 63.43 1 55.43 1
092 (092) Human Rights and Duties PWD 54.86 --- 54.86 1
093 (093) Tourism Administration andUNRESERVED 61.14 4 56.57 21
093 (093) Tourism Administration andOBC 56.00 2 50.86 31
093 (093) Tourism Administration andSC 54.29 2 48.57 14
093 (093) Tourism Administration andST 53.71 1 48.57 5
093 (093) Tourism Administration andPWD 48.00 1 48.00 1
094 (094) Bodo UNRESERVED 58.86 1 56.57 4
094 (094) Bodo OBC --- --- --- ---
094 (094) Bodo SC --- --- --- ---
094 (094) Bodo ST 56.57 3 52.57 12
094 (094) Bodo PWD 46.29 1 46.29 1
095 (095) Santali UNRESERVED 52.00 1 52.00 1
095 (095) Santali OBC 48.57 1 48.57 1
095 (095) Santali SC --- --- --- ---
095 (095) Santali ST 50.86 2 47.43 11
095 (095) Santali PWD 44.57 --- 44.57 1
096 (096) Karnatik Music (Voc. Inst., PUNRESERVED 66.29 1 60.00 4
096 (096) Karnatik Music (Voc. Inst., POBC 57.71 1 48.00 5
096 (096) Karnatik Music (Voc. Inst., PSC 48.57 1 48.57 1
096 (096) Karnatik Music (Voc. Inst., PST 39.43 --- 39.43 1
096 (096) Karnatik Music (Voc. Inst., PPWD --- --- --- ---
097 (097) Rabindra Sangeet UNRESERVED 66.86 1 64.00 2
097 (097) Rabindra Sangeet OBC 48.57 --- 48.57 1
097 (097) Rabindra Sangeet SC 45.71 1 45.71 1
097 (097) Rabindra Sangeet ST --- --- --- ---
097 (097) Rabindra Sangeet PWD --- --- --- ---
098 (098) Percussion Instruments UNRESERVED 69.71 1 64.00 8
098 (098) Percussion Instruments OBC 63.43 2 59.43 4
098 (098) Percussion Instruments SC 60.00 1 60.00 1
098 (098) Percussion Instruments ST 46.29 1 46.29 1
098 (098) Percussion Instruments PWD --- --- --- ---
099 (099) Drama/Theatre UNRESERVED 64.57 2 58.29 7
099 (099) Drama/Theatre OBC 60.00 1 52.57 9
099 (099) Drama/Theatre SC 50.86 2 49.71 3
099 (099) Drama/Theatre ST 57.71 1 57.71 1
099 (099) Drama/Theatre PWD --- --- --- ---
100 (100) Yoga UNRESERVED 73.14 11 64.00 182
100 (100) Yoga OBC 68.00 6 56.57 127
100 (100) Yoga SC 63.43 2 54.86 20
100 (100) Yoga ST 57.14 1 53.71 2
100 (100) Yoga PWD 49.71 1 49.71 1

Total 3640 22381

  1 comment:

  1. I got 52.57 in education but merrit is 53.14 what can I do


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