9 Apr 2017

English Literature Practice Set - 10

English Literature Practice Sets >> UGC NET English Practice Set>> TGT/PGT English Practice Set
image : English Literature Practice Set-10 @ TeachMatters
Check English Literature Practice Sets for all competitive examinations such as UGC NET English, TGT/PGT English Teacher, Teachers Eligibility Test (HTET, CTET & other TETs). Here is practice set no. 10 which is based on objective type multiple choice questions on English Literature.

 English Literature Practice Set-10 

1.  Who is the author of the New Atlantis?

(A) Bacon
(B) John Lyly
(C) Thomas More
(D) Sydney

2. Aldous Huxley borrowed the title Brave New World from:

(A) Lyly’s Euphues
(B) Sidney’s Arcadia
(C) Shakespeare’s Tempest
(D) Bacon’s New Atlantis

3. Joseph Conrad’s novels are generally set in the background of:

(A) Labour Colonies
(B) Slums
(C) The Sea
(D) Mountains and valleys

4. James Joyce’s Ulysses is based on the pattern of:

(A) Homer’s Odyssey
(B) Tennyson’s Ulysses
(C) Virgil’s Aenied
(D) Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress

5. Identify the novelist whose novels are called Waverley Novels -

(A) Fielding
(B) Walter Scott
(C) Smollett
(D) Jane Austen

6. “ A foundling” is a part of the name of the novel

(a) Amelia
(b) David Copperfield
(c) Oliver Twist
(d) Tom Jones

7. Samuel Langhorne Clemens wrote under the pseudonym of-

(A) Mark Twain
(B) James Fenimore Cooper
(C) Washington lrving
(D) Edgar Allen Poe

8. John Milton wrote total 25 pamphlets. How many pamphlets were written in English

(A) 18
(B) 21
(C) 19
(D) 20

9. Milton’s Sonnet rhyme scheme is

(A) abba abab cd de ef
(B) abba abba cd cd ff
(C) abba abba cd cd cd
(D) abab abab cd cd cd

10. Keats complete work is

(A) King Stephen
(B) The Cap and Bells
(C) Endymion (1818)
(D) The Fall of a Hyperion; a Dream (1819)

Answers : 1. (A) 2. (C) 3. (C) 4. (A) 5. (B) 6. (D) 7. (A) 8. (B) 9. (C) 10. (C)

<< Set-9 << >> Set-11 >>

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