18 Sept 2016

CTET Solved Question Paper-I SEPT 2016 (PRT)

CTET SEPT 2016 Solved Question Paper: Paper-I (18.09.2016).

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image : CTET September 2016 Solved Question Paper/Answers : Paper-I (PRT) @ TeachMatters
Check CTET Solved Question Paper 2016 with Answer Keys of CTET SEPT 2016 Exam held on 18.09.2016 for Paper-I (PRT) for Class I-V.

This solved question answers of CTET Paper-I Exam Sept 2016 contains all questions of every portion - Part-I ( Child Development & Pedagogy), Part-II (Mathematics), Part-III (Social Studies), Part-IV Language-I (English/Hindi) & Part-V Language-II (English/Hindi).

Check CTET SEPT 2016 Solved Question Paper-I with CTET answer key option for all sets.

CTET Solved Question Paper SEPT 2016: Level-1 (PRT) for 1st to 5th

CTET SEPT 2016 Solved Paper-2

CTET SEPT 2016 Solved Paper-1

Part-I ( Child Development & Pedagogy)

Check CTET Child Pedagogy Solved Questions Previous Years

Q. 1. As a teacher, who firmly believes in social constructivist theory of Lev Vygotsky, which of the following methods would you prefer for assessing your students?

Ans. : (1) Collaborative project

Q. 2. To cater to individual differences in his classroom, a teacher should :

An. (3) Engage in a dialogue with students and value their perspectives

Q. 3. Assessment is purposeful if :

Ans. : (2) It serves as a feedback for the students as well as the teachers

Q. 4. According to NCF, 2005, the role of a teacher has to be :

Ans. : (3) Permissive

Q. 5. Research suggests that in a diverse classroom, a teacher’s expectations from her students _____ their learning.

Ans. : (1) Have a significant impact on

Q. 6. Inclusion of children with special needs :

Ans. : (4) Requires a change in attitude, content and approach to teaching

Q. 7. “Having a diverse classroom with children from varied social, economic and cultural backgrounds enriches the learning experiences of all students.” This statement is :

Ans. : (2) Correct, because children learn many skills from their peers

Q. 8. A child with hearing impairment :

Ans. : (3) Can do very well in a regular school if suitable facilitation and resources are provided

Q. 9. Which of the following is a characteristic of a gifted learner?

Ans. : (2) He can feel understimulated and bored if the class activities are not challenging enough

Q. 10. A teacher can enhance effective learning in her elementary classroom by :

Ans. : (4) Connecting the content to the lives of the students

Q. 11. Which of the following statements about children are correct?

A. Children are passive recipients of knowledge.
B. Children are problem solvers.
C. Children are scientific investigators.
D. Children are active explorers of the environment.

Ans. : (1) Children are passive recipients of knowledge

Q. 12. Which of the following is the most effective method to encourage conceptual development in students?

Ans. : (3) Give students multiple examples and encourage them to use reasoning

Q. 13. Primary school children will learn most effectively in an atmosphere :

Ans. : (1) Where their emotional needs are met and they feel that they are valued

Q. 14. A child sees a crow flying past the window and says, “A bird.” What does this suggest about the child’s thinking?

Ans. : (3) A, B, and C

Q. 15. What should a teacher tell her students to encourage them to do tasks with intrinsic motivation?

Ans. : (1) Come on, finish it before she does

Q. 16. How can a teacher encourage her students to be intrinsically motivated towards learning for the sake of learning?

Ans. : (3) By supporting them in setting individual goals and their mastery

Q. 17. In an elementary classroom, an effective teacher should aim at the students to be motivated :

Ans. (1) To learn so that they become curious and love learning for its own sake

Q. 18. Which of the following is an example of effective school practice?

Ans. : (3) Individualized learning

Q. 19. The cephalocaudal principle of development explains how development proceeds from :

Ans. : (3) Head to toe

Q. 20. Which of the following is a sensitive period pertaining to language development?

Ans. : (4) Early childhood period

Q. 21. A 6-year old girl shows exceptional sporting ability. Both of her parents are sports-persons, send her for coaching every day and train her on weekends. Her capabilities are most likely to be the result of an interaction between :

Ans. : (1) Heredity and environment

Q. 22. Which of the following are secondary agents of socialization?

Ans. : (2) School and neighborhood

Q. 23. According to Lev Vygotsky, the primary cause of cognitive development is :

Ans. : (3) Adjustment of mental schemas

Q. 24. In the context of Kohlberg’s stages of moral reasoning, under which stage would the given typical response of a child fail?

Ans. : (3) Good girl-good boy orientation

Q. 25. According to Jean Piaget, which of the following is necessary for learning?

Ans. : (1) Active exploration of the environment by the learner

Q. 26. According to Jean Piaget, schema building occurs as a result of modifying new information to fit existing schemas and by modifying old schemas as per new information. These two processes are known as :

Ans. : (1) Accommodation and adaptation

Q. 27. In a progressive classroom setup, the teacher facilitates learning by providing an environment that :

Ans. : (1) Promotes discovery

Q. 28. Howard Gardner’s theory of Multiple Intelligence (MI) suggests that :

Ans.: (3) Teachers should use MI as a framework for devising alternative ways to teach the subject matter

Q. 29. A 5-year old girl talks to herself while trying to fold a T-shirt. Which of the following statements is correct in the context of the behavior displayed by the girl?


Q. 30. Gender is a/an :

Ans. : (2) Physiological construct
Part-II (Mathematics)

Q. 31. The prices of fruits per kg are given below :
  • Watermelon: 18.50
  • Cherry: 72
  • Grape: 120.60
  • Apple: 78.40

Reshma bought 4.5 kg watermelon, 1 kg 200 g cherries, 250 g grapes and 1.75 kg apples. She gave a Rs. 500 note to the shopkeeper. How much did she get back?

Ans. : (1) Rs. 163

Q. 32. The size of a soap cake is 7 cm * 5 cm * 2.5 cm. The maximum number of soap cakes which can be packed into to boxes each having internal measurements as 56 cm * 0.4 m * 0.25 m:

(1) 960
(2) 1280
(3) 2560
(4) 640

Ans. : (4) 640

33. The length of a rectangle is three times its breadth. The breadth is half the side of a square whose perimeter is 72 cm. Then:

(1) the area of the rectangle is more than the area of the square
(2) the perimeters of both rectangle and square are equal
(3) the perimeter of the rectangle is less than the perimeter of the square
(4) the areas of the square and rectangle are equal

Ans. : (?) All options are wrong

34. Which one of the following is not correct?

(1) 55 litres 55 millilitres = 55.55litres
(2) 2005 grams = 2.005 kg
(3) The volume of a cuboid of length 458 cm, breadth 15 cm and height 40 cm is equal to the volume of a cube whose side is 0.3 m
(4) One hundredth of 10 is equal to 0.1

Ans. : (1) 55 litres 55 mililitres = 55.55 litres

35. Which of the following is an essential prerequisite to understand multiplication of a two-digit number?

(1) Multiplication as inverse of division
(2) Commutative property of addition
(3) Commutative property of multiplication
(4) Multiplication as distribution over addition

Ans. : (?)

36. Which of the following cannot be considered as a reason for fear and failure in mathematics?

(1) Gender differences
(2) Classroom experiences
(3) Symbolic notations
(4) Structure of mathematics

Ans. : (1) Gender differences

37. Which of the following teaching-learning resources would be the most appropriate to teach the concept of addition of two decimal numbers?

(1) Abacus
(2) Geoboard
(3) Beads and string
(4) Graph paper

Ans. : (2) Geoboard

38. The majority of class IV learners think that multiplication of two numbers always results in a number which is bigger than both the numbers. How will you show that it is always not the case?

(1) By showing on a grid paper the multiplication of two decimal numbers
(2) By showing the multiplication algorithm of one whole number and a fraction on a number line
(3) By showing it through repeated addition of numbers
(4) By sowing the multiplication algorithm of two decimal number

Ans. : (4) By showing the multiplication algorithm of two decimal numbers

39. Which of the following statements is true in the context of teaching ‘measurement’ to primary class students?

Ans. : (3) Non-standard measures should be followed by standard measures

Q. 40. Which of the following assessment strategies can be used to make connections of mathematics which life and promote interdisciplinarity?

Ans. : (3) Survey, project, checklist

Q. 41. Which of the following can be used as learning resources for visually challenged in a mathematics classroom?

Ans. : (4) Taylor’s Abacus, computer, geoboard

Q. 42. In the context of ‘numbers’, primary class children, i.e. the children in age group 8-9 years, are able to accomplish which one of the following sets?

Ans. : (1) Seriation, classification, reversibility

Q. 43. A teacher of Class I asks a student to count the total number of objects in a collection of pens, erasers and sharpeners. The student puts all the objects in a line and starts counting. He says that there are 2 pens, 5 erasers and 3 sharpeners instead of 10 objects. In which principle/principles of counting do you think that the student is facing difficulty?

Ans. : (3) Stable order and abstraction principles

Q. 44. A teacher of Class II asks her students to write 4 ones and 3 tens. Some students write as 43 instead of 34. As a teacher, how will you help the students in understanding the concept?

Ans. : (4) Ask the students to represent on abacus and then write

Q. 45. Which of the following statements is not true about ‘mapping’ in mathematics?

Ans. : (4) Mapping is not part of mathematics curriculum

Q. 46. Which of the following aspects of ‘shapes’ is not dealt with at primary level?
Ans. : (1) tessellation

Q. 47. The mathematical games and puzzles help in :

Ans. : (3) A, B, C, D

Q. 48. A given rectangle and a parallelogram have the same area. However, many Class IV students respond that the parallelogram has a larger area. How can a teacher help the students to understand that their areas are the same?

Ans. : (2) Using paper folding

Q. 49. Which of the following is not an objective of teaching mathematics at primary level according to NCF, 2005?

Ans. : (2) Preparing for learning higher and and abstract mathematics

Q. 50. The difference between the place value of 5 in 29503 and the face value of 7 in 32071 is :

Ans. : (3) 493

Q. 51. If 30028 = 28 ones + 28 thousands + _____ tens, then the number in the blank space is :

Ans. : (2) 200

Q. 52. When the remainder obtained on dividing 80808 by 108 is divided by the remainder obtained on dividing 90909 by 109, then the quotient is :

Ans. : (3) 12

Q. 53. If 603 ×28 = 63 ×4 × ____, then the number in the blank space is :

Ans. : (3) 67

Q. 54. (The smallest common multiple of 30, 45 and 60 between 200 and 400) ÷ (The largest common factor of 15, 24 and 45) is equal to :

Ans. : (4) 60

Q. 55. A number is smaller than half of one hundred and lies between 4 tens and 5 tens. Ones digit is one less than tens digit. If the sum of digits is 7, then the product of the digits in the number is :

Ans. : (4) 12

Q. 56. In a school, there are 360 students out of which two-thirds are girls and the rest are boys . Three-fourth of the number of boys are players. The number of boys who are not players is :

Ans. : (1) 30

Q. 57. Harish bought a scooter for Rs. 49553. He paid Rs. 8076 in cash and agreed to pay the remaining amount in 37 equal instalments. What is the amount of each instalment?

Ans. : (1) 1121

Q. 58. A train left Hyderabad at 13 : 15 on Friday and reached Bengaluru at 07 : 3- on Saturday. The duration of the journey was :

Ans. : (2) 18 hours 15 minutes

Q. 59. The number of minutes in 15 days is equal to the number of seconds in :

Ans. : (2) 6 hours

Q. 60. 15 litres 286 mililitres of orange juice is mixed with 19 litres 714 mililitres of carrot juice. 12 litres 750 militres of the mixture is used and the rest is filled in bottles each containing 250 mililitres. The number of bottles is :

Ans. : (4) 89 bottles

>> Part-III (Social Studies) >>

>> Part-IV Language-I (English/Hindi) >>

>> Part-V Language-II (English/Hindi) >>

Note :
  • Rest of the Question-Answers will be uploaded shortly and be updated at regular intervals. So visit this page regularly.
  • These solved questions are based on official and tentative answer keys of CTET SEPT 2016 exam for Paper-1.
  • Candidates are advised to check official answer key of CTET September 2016.

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