13 Aug 2016

English Literature Practice Set-6

English Literature Practice Sets >> UGC NET English Practice Set>> TGT/PGT English Practice Set

image : English Literature Practice Sets/Papers @ TeachMatters

Here is English Literature practice set-6 (MCQ) for objective written exam of UGC NET English Paper-II & III, RPSC/HPSC College Lecturer & HTET PGT English exam.

 English Literature Practice Set-6 

1.  The phrase ‘Religion of the blood’ is associated with
(a) D.H. Lawrence
(b) E.M. Forster
(c) H.G. Wells
(d) Virginia Woolf
2. The lines, “What a piece of work is man. How noble in reason! How infinite in faculty” are from the play?
(a) Hamlet
(b) Macbeth
(c) Othello
(d) King Lear
3. Auden’s The Sea and the Mirror is a response to
(a) Yeats
(b) Freud
(c) Milton
(d) Shakespeare
4. The Puritan attack on Elizabeth took place in the year-
(a) 1558
(b) 1569
(c) 1579
(d) 1590
5. Ernest Hemingway was greatly influenced by Ezra Pound and
(a) Henry James
(b) T.S. Eliot
(c) Gertrude Stein
(d) Thomas James Farrell
6.  The theatre ‘The Globe’ was built in the year-
(a) 1590
(b) 1594
(c) 1598
(d) 1600
7. Who is renowned as a poet ‘in exile from himself’ ?
(a) Gieve Patel
(b) Nissim Ezekiel
(c) A.K. Ramanujan
(d) Dilip Kumar Roy
8. The Globe was set on fire in the year-
(a) 1612
(b) 1613
(c) 1616
(d) 1620
9. Who gave the Romantic period the title of The Renaissance of Wonder in Poetry ?
(a) William Wordsworth
(b) William Shakespeare
(c) Theodore Watts
(d) Professor Herford
10. The Hundred’s Years war began in the year –
(a) 1348
(b) 1327
(c) 1338
(d) 1356
Answers: 1. (a), 2. (a), 3. (d), 4. (c), 5. (c), 6. (c), 7. (b), 8. (b), 9. (c), 10. (c)

<< Set-5 << >> Set-7 >>


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