11 May 2016

CTET Solved Question Paper 8 May 2016 Haryana Level-2 TGT

CTET May 2016 Solved Question Paper: Paper-II (08.05.2016)

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image : CTET Solved Question Paper May 2016 Paper-II @ TeachMatters.in

(Latest Updated: 14.05.16). Check solved question paper with answer key of CTET May 2016 exam held on 08.05.2016 for paper-2. CTET May 2016 exam was held on 8th May 2016 for Haryana state. This question paper solution is based on unofficial answer key of CTET 08.05.2016 exam.

CTET Solved Question Paper May 2016: Level-2 (class 6th to 8th) TGT

Part-I (Child Development & Pedagogy)

Check CTET Child Pedagogy Solved Questions Previous Years

Q. 1. Which one of the following statements reflects Assessment for learning strategies ?

Ans. Assessment is carried out during teaching-learning to create differentiated teaching and learning strategies.

Q. 2. There are a few ‘first generation school-goers’ in a middle school class. The teacher should :

Ans. Talk to the children to understand them and make the classroom environment conductive to their learning.

Q. 3. Students from disadvantaged backgrounds should :

Ans. Be placed in regular schools and efforts should be made to adopt the curriculum and facilitate learning for all the students in the context of their social and cultural context.

Q. 4. A child with Learning Disability :

Ans. Has a right to study in the regular school where there are special provisions for him.

Q. 5. Talented and creative children :

Ans. Need to be given special attention to enable them to reach their full potential.

Q. 6. In a progressive set-up children with special needs :

Ans. Are taught along with other children while making special provisions for their needs.

Q. 7. Learner-centred teaching means that :

Ans. Learners are given opportunity to construct knowledge and teacher is a guide in the learning process.

Q. 8. Learning can be facilitated by :

Ans. Constructing new materials with something the child already knows.

Q. 9. In a constructivist classroom as envisioned by Piget and Vygotsky, the teacher :

Ans. Provides an opportunity to the students to engage in enquiry and problem-solving.

Q. 10. According to the theory of cognitive development given by Piget, the teacher has an insignificant role to play in classrooms :

Ans. Yes, because the child constructs his own view of the world.

Q. 11. Which one of the following is most effective method for the success of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation ?

Ans. Using a variety of ways to assess children over a period of time.

Q. 12. It is important to appreciate children’s work rather than criticize it. This statement is :

Ans. Correct since it helps to foster creativity in children.

Q. 13. As a middle school science teacher, which one of the following will be your most preferred method ?

Ans. Conducting experiments and doing projects.

Q. 14. Despite giving stars for every work, a teacher finds that the students are not motivated to learn. This could be because :

Ans. Rewards alone cannot ensure interest and long-term learning.

Q. 15. What roles does socio-cultural context play in learning ?

Ans. It plays a very important role in learning

Q. 16. What the child learns, how well she learns it and how she is able to apply that learning to various situations depends on :

Ans. Opportunities she has to observe and interact with objects and…

Q. 17. Proximo-distal principle of motor development means that :

Ans. Development proceeds from the centre of the organism to its periphery.

Q. 18. Which one of the following statements is correct ?

Ans. Childhood is experienced differently by children in different social and cultural contexts.

Q. 19. Individual differences can be attributed to the complex interplay between the hereditary factors and the :

Ans. Genetic make-up

Q. 20. Which one of these does not play a role in socialization of children ?

Ans. Media

Q. 21. According to Piget, which one of the following pairs is essential for cognitive development of the child ?

Ans. Assimilation and Accomodation

Q. 22. A child focuses on one aspect of a situation and ignores the others. This is due to :

Ans. Concentration

Q. 23. In pre-conventional morality :

Ans. Rules are external to the self.

Q. 24. ______ believed that cognitive development occurs in a socio-cultural context and evolves out of the child’s social interactions.

Ans. Vygostky

Q. 25. According to which theorist, language plays a crucial role in the development of cognitive ability ?

Ans. Piget

Q. 26. A teacher believes that each child is unique and special individual, and therefore actively involves them in their own education and development. The teacher is adopting :

Ans. Child-cetnric education

Q. 27. Which one of the following statements best describes intelligence ?

Ans. Intelligence is a multi-dimensional concept.

Q. 28. Language _______ thought.

Ans. Influences

Q. 29. When parents buy dolls for their daughters and football for their sons, their decision reflects :

Ans. Gender stereotyping

Q. 30. In a classroom, teaching-learning needs to be :

Ans. Individualized since there are individual differences among learners.

>> Part-II Mathematics & Science

>> Part-III Social Studies / Social Science

>> Part-IV Language-I (Hindi & English)

>> Part-V Language-II (Hindi & English)

>> CTET May 2016 Solved Paper-1

Note :
  • This question paper is solved on the basis of unofficial answer key of CTET May 2016. So, candidates are advised to check official answer key.
  • Other parts of this paper solution will be uploaded soon.

See Also :

>> CTET Answer Key Paper-II

>> CTET Answer Key May 2016 Paper-I & Paper-II

>> CTET Answer Key

<< Solved Question Paper << CTET Solved Question Paper << CTET May 2016 Solved Paper-1


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