9 Apr 2016

English Literature Practice Set-3

English Literature Practice Sets >> UGC NET English Practice Set>> TGT/PGT English Practice Set

image : English Literature Practice Sets/Papers @ TeachMatters

Here is English Literature practice set-3 for UGC NET English Paper-II & III, RPSC/HPSC College Lecturer & HTET PGT English exam.

 English Literature Practice Set-3 

1. Which of the following poem has its allusion in The Waste Land?
(a) To His Coy Mistress
(b) Lucasta
(c) The Mistress
(d) Horation Ode
2. Oscar Wilde composed comedies of manners in the tradition of
(a) Jonson
(b) Galsworthy
(c) Johnson
(d) Sheridan
3. George Orwell’s second name is
(a) Tony Blair
(b) Hugh Blair
(c) Charles Blair
(d) Eric Hugh Blair
4. Who used the term “ The perpetual struggle for room and food”?
(a) Laski
(b) Marx
(c) Malthus
(d) Amartya Sen
5. Barometer Rising, a famous Canadian novel, is written by -
(a) Mac Lennan
(b) Margaret Atwood
(c) Gail Scott
(d) Sharon Butala
6. Keats was very much influenced by Spenser and
(a) Shelly
(b) Southy
(c) Wordsworth
(d) Leigh Hunt
7. Wyclif’s Bible is a translation of
(a) Greek Texts
(b) Latin Texts
(c) Hebrew Texts
(d) Anglo-Saxon Texts
8. The story of Sohrab and Rustum is taken from
(a) Omar Khayyam
(b) Folk Literature
(c) Firdausi
(d) The Arabian Nights
9. Which was the last play written by Shakespeare ?
(a) Cymbeline
(b) Macbeth
(c) Othello
(d) The Tempest
10. The term ‘Stream of Consciousness’ is associated with
(a) William James
(b) James Joyce
(c) Virginia Woolf
(d) Sigmund Freud

Answers : 1. A, 2. D, 3. D, 4. C, 5. A, 6. D, 7. B, 8. C, 9. D, 10. B

<< Set-2 << >> Set-4 >>


  1. Sir i have doubt to the answer of Q10(Set 3) William james seems to be more associated with stream of consciousness as he coined the term.if your answer is true please enlightened me with explaination

    1. yes..i have same doubt

    2. Yes, William James coined the term first in psychology but James Joyce was a major pioneer in the use of stream of consciousness in literature. So, his name is associated with the term in literature (especially in English Literature). He used the technique in his writing before other writers.


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