26 Dec 2024

Download UGC NET E-Certificate & JRF Award Letter

UGC NET E-Certificate / JRF Award Letter - CBSE NTA UGC NET/JRF

image: Get UGC NET e-Certificate @ www.teachmatters.in
(Last Updated: 26.12.2024). Have you qualified UGC NET / JRF ? Waiting for JRF award letter or e-certificate? Download your JRF Award Letter or UGC NET Certificate for Lectureship (Assistant Professor). Follow the instructions and get JRF Award Letter & E-Certificates of UGC NET Exam.

Download E-Certificate of UGC NET Exam JRF Award Letter (Qualified Candidates)

Here are links for qualified candidates to get e-certificate and JRF award letters of UGC-NET June 2010 to June 2024 examinations.

>> Download UGC NET Certificate June 2024 >>

Download E-certificate @ ugcnet.ntaonline.in

E-certificate and JRF Award Letter for qualified candidates of UGC NET December 2023
Download E-certificate @ ecertificate.nta.nic.in

E-Certificate- UGC NET June 2020
E-certificate and JRF Award Letter for qualified candidates of UGC NET December 2019
Download E-certificate @ ugcnetonline.in

Click here to download e-Certificate of UGC-NET for June 2010 and Dec. 2010

Click here to download e-Certificate of UGC-NET from June 2011 onwards

Click here to download e-Certificate of Joint CSIR-UGC TEST from December 2016 onwards

Old Process for UGC NET e-Certificate and JRF Award Letter

UGC NET Bureau requested all such candidates who have qualified UGC NET and who have applied under appearing category and/or reserved category (SC/ST/PWD/OBC - non creamy layer) to submit attested photo copies of the required documents (whose list is given below) to the following address as per the schedule in order to enable UGC to process their cases for issuing JRF award letters/e-certificates as the case may be. UGC NET e-Certificates / JRF award letters will be processed after submission of these documents only.

The Address for submission of Documents to Issue E-Certificates

The Head, UGC NET Bureau, 
University of Delhi South Campus, 
Benito Juarez Road, New Delhi-110 021

List of Documents to be Submitted to UGC NET Bureau for JRF Award Letters/E-Certificates

  1. Covering letter with details, i.e., name, father’s name, mother’s name, date of birth, roll number, date of exam., contact number, e-mail ID etc. 
  2. Consolidated Mark Sheet of Master’s Degree. In case of CGPA, conversion table of CGPA into percentage from the concerned university/institution. 
  3. Master’s Degree/Provisional Certificate
  4. Matriculation/High School/Higher Secondary Certificate for Date of Birth
  5. SC/ST/PWD/OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) Certificate (if applicable). 
  6. Research experience with necessary proof from the university/institution mentioning the period of research (applicable only for JRF candidates for relaxation in age). 
  7. Admit Card of UGC-NET

E-certificates of all the eligible candidates will be made available on the UGC website i.e www.ugcnetonline.in.

If you have some problems about issuance of e-certificates / JRF award letters or want to know detailed how-to read this post on How to get UGC NET E-certificate ?


  1. i have already submitted all the documents twice.
    I can neither login to their ugc website for e-certificate
    and neither have i received the award letter, although my juniors who got their JRF the next year already recieved their warad letters by mail.
    God knows why i was born in this god-forsaken country

  2. My roll no. for cbse net is 28003365 december 2015.
    In merit list view I have qualified net jrf both
    But while log in with detail of my date of birth and roll no ......it show invalid
    Why my roll no is not valid.?
    Plzzz suggest me wat to do for this situation?

  3. I have clear jrf Dec 2014 I receive e certificate but I don't receive jrf award letter my roll no 17250367

  4. I Qualified Jan 2017 NET
    I need to Submit my Document ?

  5. Yes, in order to get UGC NET E-Certificate and JRF Award Letter qualified candidates are required to submit documents at UGC NET Bureau.

    1. sir, Recently I have cleared UGC-JRF in joint CSIR-UGC EXAM 2018 Dec. So i want to aware, Did i need to submit the documents or they directly provide E- certificate or award letter without submission of documents.

    2. Did you receive ur jrf award ??

    3. Did you receive ur jrf award?

  6. do we need to submit our document by post to UGC for obtaining NET 2017 certificate or should we wait for any further notice from CBSE or UGC?

    1. Wait for some time and login at www.ugcnetonline.in to see the status of eCertificate which will be displayed in the 'Download eCertificate' section in your profile.

  7. I have qualified for assistant proffessor (exam dated22 jan 2017)how to obtain e-certificate?i logged in to www.ugcnetonline in...i gave my email n pswd(DOB) bt it says invalid email n pswd...hw can i obtain e certificate..please guide me...eagerly waiting for ur reply..

    1. 1. Go to http://www.ugcnetonline.in/
      2. Click here to download e-Certificate of UGC NET June 2011 onwords
      3. Then,Select Yes or No, for the question: Have you generated your password through OTP after 15/06/2017 ?
      4. Then type your role number, Session(January 2017) and enter captcha.
      5. There you have it, you can download e-certificate. Its very easy.
      (****Note: if u have not generated otp after 15/6/2017, or selected No, then u have to enter details and new phone number where u will get otp, and u have to enter otp on next page and then u can log in.)
      Thank you.

    2. Hello sir ..i did wt u said..bt again n again it says pswrd is too short..wt can i do nw plz hlp me

  8. i have qualify ugc net 2017. after login it shows the option of download certificate but could not display page , a line occur that displayed only for successful candidate while my name roll no is in the qulifying list and my result status also shows the qualifying remark...what can i do to get my certificate.

    1. Is there any message regarding e-Certificate in your profile? Have you submitted documents for e-certificate at UGC NET Office?

    2. Plz let me know hw did u login..

    3. I conform about this from ugc departmnt. He says that k apka august k first week mein net ka certificate uplod hoga then aug k last week mein jrf award letter by posr gar aayega

  9. yes there is a message of download e-certificate in my profile.

    no i have not submitted documents as i have not received any information regarding submission of documents.

  10. How do i get my e certificate.plz guide me..how to login to my profile..i gave app no n pswd blank page vl b displayed den i clickd on cant access my acnt to change pswd..it says dtz for 2015...whr to visit d profile n hw plz help me out

  11. I have qualified net in Joint CSIR-UGC NET Exam 18,Dec2016....there was a notification in csir site that candidates whose roll. no come in pages from 6to 19..(mine roll no 520166 come in page 14.)..Have to contact to Ugc NEt Bureau ...bt they never pick the call
    .. What should I do?

  12. I have qualified (Assistant professor only) january 2017 UGC NET Examination. For receiving certificate , when I have to submits my document.
    Please guide me.

    1. First of all check your UGC NET Profile after login in.

  13. Hello i've qualified net and jrf exam of 2017 jan. in how many days we can have our e certificate and from where we can download it. on ugc official web there is no option for e certificate showing.

    1. Login at UGC NET website where you will get a notification in your Profile section regarding e-Certificate.

  14. Respected Sir/Madam,
    After downloading e certificate, do we need to do something more? Like sending attested copies of documents to some address? or is the e certificate the final step?

  15. No, e-Certificate is the final certificate. There is no need for further proceeding. You should download it and print it in colour paper.

  16. Hai..i logged to official website there it said generate pswd tgrough otp..den i entered my details to generate otp n said to enter 8 characters pswd including albhabet numeric n special characters..bt wn i enter it shows pswd is too short..i tried many times.. wt can i do nw..plz hlp me

  17. Cleared JRF Jan 2017...should I wait for the award letter or send the cover letter now..??

  18. Sir,
    I 've qualified net in dec 2015.
    i am in the obc category.
    i dont submit any documents..
    i can't log in my account..
    Is the account is active only after submitting the documents??

  19. Sir,
    I 've qualified NET in June 2015 & dec 2015
    From obc category.
    I got e certificate..but I didn't submit any documents...after getting e certificate is there necessity to send documents...

  20. Respected sir/mam
    Maine july 2016 me net ka form as a appearing candidate fill kiya tha....aur mera jrf me result v ho gya....mera jrf award letter aur net certificate v mujhe mil gya......ab mera M.A v complete ho gya hai.....to kya sir ab mujhe M.A ka document ugc ko bhejna padega ???please sir guide me....

  21. I have qualified jrf july 2018 ugc net examination. when I will get jrf award letter?

  22. My JRF certificate was returned due to non reception of it. Help desk members told me to submit an application. Will a hand written application for resending be accepted? What other documents do I need to post?

  23. hello, actally mera nov 2017 mein net jrf qualified hua tha par mera jrf award letter nhi mila mujhe,aur mujhe ab uski need h par mera admit card bhi kho gya to mai result bhi nhi nikal sakti plz suggest me

  24. Hi, I am preparing for UGC NET Exam 2021, This is great to know that you've discussed in depth information about UGC NET E-Certificate!!!


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