1 Jul 2015

UGC NET Solved Question Paper June 2015 : Paper - I (General Paper)

UGC NET Solved Paper June 2015 (Paper-I : General Paper)

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image : UGC NET Solved Question Paper 1 June 2015 Exam 28th June @ TeachMatters.in
(Last Updated : 29.09.15). See/download UGC NET Solved Question Paper - I of June 2015 exam held on 28.06.2015. This solved paper (Paper-I Teaching and Research Aptitude) contains 60 questions with answers. UGC NET June 2015 solved paper - 1 was conducted by CBSE on 28.06.2015 on the behalf of UGC. This paper solution is based on final & official Answer keys of UGC NET June 2015 exam 28.06.2015.

CBSE UGC NET June 2015 Solved Question Paper - I (Set-A)

Candidates who are going to participate in upcoming UGC NET Exam DEC. 2015, June 2016 can use this solved question paper to understand the exam pattern & syllabus of UGC NET and prepare themselves in a better way.

UGC NET June 2015 Solved Question Paper

Paper-I (Teaching & Research Aptitude) June 2015 (final)

1. Which of the following is the highest level of cognitive ability ?
(4) Evaluating
2. Which of the following factors does not impact teaching ?
(3) Socio-economic background
3. Which of the following statement about teaching aids are correct ?
(2) (a), (b) and (c)
4. Techniques used by a teacher to teach include :
5. Achievement tests are commonly used for the purpose of :
(4) Assessing the amount
6. A good teacher is one who :
(4) inspires students
7. Which of the following statements regarding the meaning of research are correct ?
(4) (a), (b), (c) and (d)
8. A good thesis writing should involve :
9. Jean Piaget gave a theory of cognitive development of humans on the basis of his :
(1) Fundamental Research
10. “Male and female students perform equally well in a numerical aptitude test.” This statement indicates a :
(2) null hypothesis
11. The conclusions/findings of which type of research cannot be generalized to other situations ?
12. Which of the following steps are required to design a questionnaire ?
(13-18) Based on passage.
13. Our knowledge is a collection of :
(3) a few stories
14. Story telling is :
(4) the essence of what
15. How the future will turn out to be depends upon the stories ?
(1) We collectively choose
16. Rational optimists :
17. Humans become less selfish when :
(1) they work in large
18. ‘Practical Possibles’ are the ones who :
(1) follow Midway Path
19. Effectiveness of communication can be traced from which of the following ?
20. Assertion (A) : Formal communication tends to be fast and flexible.
       Reason (R) : Formal communication is a systematic and orderly flow of information.
(4) (A) is false but, (R)
21. Which of the following are the characteristic features of communication ?
(4) (a), (b), (c) and (d)
22. The term ‘grapevine’ is also known as :
(2) Informal communication
23. Which of the following is not a principle of effective communication ?
(3) One-way transfer
24. In communication, the language is :
(1) The verbal code
25. The next term in the series is : 2, 5, 9, 19, 37, ?
(2) 75
26. In certain code MATHURA is coded as JXQEROX. The code of HOTELS will be :
27. One day Prakash left home and walked 10 km towards south, turned right and walked 5 km, turned right and walked 10 km and turned left and walked 10 km. How many km he have to walk to reach his home straight ?
(3) 15
28. A girl introduced a boy as the son of the daughter of the father of her uncle. The boy is related to the girl as :
(1) Brother
29. In an examination 10,000 students appeared. The result revealed the number of students who have :
Passed in all five subjects = 5583
Passed in three subjects only = 1400
Passed in two subjects only = 1200
Passed in one subject only = 735
Failed in English only = 75
Failed in Physics only = 145
Failed in Chemistry only = 140
Failed in Mathematics only = 200
Failed in Bio-science only = 157
The number of students passed in at least four subjects is :
(1) 6300

30. At present a person is 4 times older than his son and is 3 years older than his wife. After 3 years the age of the son will be 15 years. The age of the person’s wife after 5 years will be :
(4) 50
31. If we want to seek new knowledge of facts about the world, we must rely on reason of the type :
32. A deductive argument is invalid if :
(2) Its premises are true
33. Inductive reasoning is grounded on :
(3) Uniformity of nature
34. Among the following statements two are contradictory to each other. Select the correct code that represents them :
35. Which of the codes given below contains only the correct statements ? Select the code :
(2) (a), (b), and (d)
36. When the purpose of a definition is to explain the used or to eliminate ambiguity the definition is called :
(37-42 based on table)
37. Classify the data of age of each employee in class interval of 5 years. Which class interval of 5 years has the maximum average salary ?
(4) 50-55 years
38. What is the frequency (%) in the class interval of 30-35 years ?
39. What is the average age of the employees ?
(1) 40.3 years
40. What is the fraction (%) of employees getting salary > 40,000 per month ?
(1) 45%
41. What is the average salary (in thousand per month) in the age group of 40-50 years ?
(2) 42.5
42. What is the fraction of employees getting salary less than the average salary of all the employees ?
(3) 55%
43. Encoding or scrambling data for transmission across a network is known as :
(3) Encryption
44. Which of the following is not an output device ?
(4) Keyboard
45. Which of the following represents one billion characters ?
(3) Gigabyte
46. Which of the following is not open source software ?
(1) Internet Explorer
47. Which one of the following represents the binary equivalent of the decimal number 25 ?
(3) 11001
48. Which is an instant messenger that is used for chatting ?
(4) Goggle Talk
49. In which of the countries per capita use of water is maximum ?
50. India’s contribution to total global carbon dioxide emissions is about :
(2) ~6%
51. Two earthquakes A and B happen to be of magnitude 5 and 6 respectively on Richter Scale. The ratio of the energies released Eb/Ea will be approximately :
(3) ~32
52. Which of the following combinations renewable natural resources ?
53. In the recently launched Air Quality Index in India, which of the following pollutants is not included :
(4) Chlorofluorocarbons
54. The factors which are most important in determining the impact of anthopogenic activities on environment are :
55. The session of the parliament is summoned by :
(1) The President
56. Civil Service Day is celebrated in India on :
(1) 21st April
57. South Asia University is situated in the city of :
(3) New Delhi
58. The University Grants Commission was established with which of the following aims :
(2) (a), (b) and (c)
59. The Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) in institutions of higher education in India at present (2015) is about :
(3) 19 percent
60. The total number of central universities in India in April 2015 was :
(9) All
Note : This paper solution is final & official.

  1 comment:

  1. there are many miscellaneous mistakes........answers not correctly matched.


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