11 Mar 2015

EDMC 57 Additional Teachers (Primary) Recruitment 2015 : List of Selected Candidates

Last Updated : 10.04.15

EDMC SSA Recruitment 2015 : 57 Posts of Additional Teacher (Primary)

image : EDMC Teaching Jobs 2015 @ TeachMattersEast Delhi Municipal Corporation (EDMC), Delhi has released the list of selected candidates for recruitment to Additional Teacher (Primary) posts under SSA. EDMC had invited online applications for engagement of 57 Additional Teacher (Primary) under SSA Scheme in the schools of East, DMC on contractual basis upto 31.03.2015 (likely to be extended upto 10th May 2015) at a consolidated salary of Rs. 27000/- Interested and eligible candidates could apply online upto 15.03.2015 at MCD website i.e. www.mcdonline.gov.in.

EDMC List of Selected Candidates for Additional Teacher (Primary) 2015

ST Category
1 17 383001 KAVITA SURENDER SHAH F 10/09/1994 S.T. SH. NORTH 81.54 81.08
2 28 390476 REENA MEENA RAMAVTAR MEENA F 10/07/1995 S.T. SH. NORTH 79.77 80.20
3 25 395184 REENA VIRENDRA SINGH F 20/05/1994 S.T. SH. NORTH 79.97 79.97
4 31 391712 HARISH KUMAR YUDHVEER M 04/02/1989 S.T. SH. NORTH 77.79 76.80
5 37 382490 BABY SHANKER PRASAD F 15/10/1992 S.T. SH. NORTH 76.15 76.14
6 39 385117 VANDANA MEENA TEEKARAM F 17/08/1994 S.T. SH. SOUTH 75.69 76.10
7 38 389775 NEELAM MEENA RADHEY SHYAM F 15/12/1991 S.T. SH. SOUTH 75.72 75.67
8 41 390255 ANITA MEENA JAG RAM MEENA F 01/01/1993 S.T. SH. NORTH 75.00 74.99
9 42 383119 SEEMA MEENA SUGAN SINGH F 28/10/1991 S.T. SH. NORTH 74.53 74.52
10 56 385038 NEHA KUMARI RAMESH PRASAD F 13/10/1991 S.T. SH. NORTH 72.46 73.83
11 44 392059 ANNU MEENA SITA RAM F 28/06/1995 S.T. SH. NORTH 73.74 73.73
12 40 387075 SWATI MEENA PRAKASH CHAND  F 01/04/1994 S.T. SH. NORTH 75.40 73.59
13 86 384773 HANSA TARA CHAND F 11/01/1995 S.T. SH. SOUTH 70.02 73.20
14 54 385330 MANISHA KUMARI AMAR SINGH MEENA F 31/08/1994 S.T. SH. NORTH 72.96 73.11
15 49 395100 NEERU MEENA LAL CHAND MEENA F 01/05/1991 S.T. SH. SOUTH 73.11 73.10
16 51 385206 DEEPIKA ASHARFI SHAH F 09/06/1994 S.T. SH. NORTH 73.07 73.08
17 53 382907 SHARDA MEENA BABU LAL MEENA F 03/07/1995 S.T. SH. NORTH 72.97 72.97
18 57 383896 NIKITA SURTI RAM MEENA F 30/07/1994 S.T. SH. NORTH 72.38 72.89
19 52 388531 BINTA KUMARI RAGHAV SHAH F 25/06/1992 S.T. SH. NORTH 72.99 72.85
20 59 382581 SAPNA KUMARI MEENA JAISI RAM F 17/07/1995 S.T. SH. NORTH 72.16 71.84
21 63 384686 NEELAM MEENA KARAN SINGH F 26/02/1995 S.T. SH. NORTH 71.79 71.79
22 66 387737 SEEMA SHREE RAM MEENA F 01/07/1995 S.T. SH. NORTH 71.54 71.54
23 68 383405 SWETA MEENA SH BHEEM SEN F 05/05/1994 S.T. SH. NORTH 71.25 71.25
24 72 384103 POOJA MEENA SUA LAL F 18/08/1996 S.T. SH. NORTH 71.01 71.01
25 75 385613 SAPNA CHHOTE LAL F 11/06/1992 S.T. SH. NORTH 70.98 70.99
26 79 389594 MOHINI SANTRAM F 03/02/1988 S.T. SH. SOUTH 70.58 70.58
27 69 386734 POOJA MEENA GULZARI LAL F 06/12/1995 S.T. SH. NORTH 71.19 70.52
28 74 395005 PRIYANKA BRIJ MOHAN MEENA F 10/12/1992 S.T. SH. NORTH 70.99 70.47
29 83 385578 POOJA MEENA HARI MOHAN F 05/03/1994 S.T. SH. NORTH 70.44 70.44
30 48 383287 SARITA SWAMI NATH SHAH F 19/09/1994 S.T. SH. NORTH 73.33 70.21
31 73 386907 CHANDA KUMARI YOGESHWAR F 18/04/1992 S.T. SH. SOUTH 70.99 70.10
32 87 394620 MEENAKSHI KUMARI RAMESH CHANDRA F 27/01/1993 S.T. SH. NORTH 69.81 69.81
33 78 386765 POOJA KUMARI SRIRAM SAH F 15/03/1993 S.T. SH. NORTH 70.62 69.80
34 92 385602 MANJU MEENA BABU LAL MEENA F 04/03/1994 S.T. SH. NORTH 69.31 69.31
35 95 394028 DESHRAJ MEENA BADRI LAL M 27/12/1992 S.T. SH. NORTH 69.25 69.25
36 102 395640 OM PRAKASH BHARAT LAL M 02/01/1993 S.T. SH. NORTH 69.13 69.13

SC Category
1 9 382810 LATA RAHI JAI BHAGWAN F 14/09/1994 SC SH. NORTH 86.98 85.49

OBC Category
1 3 387465 RANI RAJSINGH F 29/05/1984 OBC SH. NORTH 93.35 93.12
2 10 383415 MANISHA DEVI KAPOOR SINGH F 01/01/1986 OBC SH. NORTH 91.28 91.28
3 18 393272 JITENDRA KUMAR P N PRASAD M 01/07/1984 OBC SH. NORTH 89.23 89.23
4 27 392354 MAMTA GUPTA R K GUPTA F 25/06/1988 OBC SH. NORTH 87.51 87.51
5 39 388469 KAPIL MALIK DHARAM PAL M 10/08/1991 OBC SH. NORTH 86.68 86.68
6 48 394492 SOFIYA SAIFI MUQIM AHMED IQBAL F 20/03/1995 OBC SH. NORTH 86.24 86.24

VH Category
1 2 395328 ARUN KUMAR RAM SNEHI SINGH M 06/08/1992 UR VH SH. NORTH 75.69 75.69
2 3 389328 KAVITA AWANA DHARMVEER F 08/08/1988 OBC VH SH. SOUTH 74.18 74.18
3 4 390174 NOORJAHAN NOORHASAN F 05/02/1993 UR VH SH. NORTH 73.54 73.54
4 6 392268 DISHA SAXENA DHEERENDRA KUMAR  F 20/02/1995 UR VH SH. NORTH 70.69 70.69
5 7 393425 ADITYA VERMA BASANT KUMAR  M 12/11/1992 UR VH SH. NORTH 69.78 69.78
6 8 386625 RAJNI SHARMA RAM KUMAR F 16/07/1993 UR VH SH. SOUTH 69.53 69.53
7 9 385055 RAJNI BILAT MEHTO F 05/04/1994 UR VH SH. SOUTH 67.80 67.80

8 12 395949 VICKY SHYAM SUNDER M 17/05/1991 UR VH SH. NORTH 66.54 66.54

The engagement letter will be issued on 10.04.2015 from 09.00 AM to 04.00 PM. The selected candidates are directed to report to EDMC Primary School, Dilshad Garden, “A” Block, Shahdara South, Delhi-110095.

Download List of Shortlisted Candidates (EDMC Additional Teacher Primary 2014-15)

Important Dates 
  • Opening Date for Registration : 09.03.2015 (12.00 AM)
  • Closing Date for Registration : 15.03.2015 (11.59 PM)
  • Dates for Uploading List of Shortlisted Candidates : 18.03.2015 to 20.03.2015
  • Date of Verification : 24.03.2015
Vacancy Details
  • Name of Post : Additional Teacher (Primary)
  • Department : SSA (East, DMC)
  • Emoluments : Rs. 27000/- per month
  • No. of Posts : 57
  • OBC : 12 Posts
  • SC : 01 Posts
  • ST : 36 Posts
  • VH : 08 Posts
Eligibility Criteria

  • Senior Secondary (10+2) or intermediate or its equivalent from a recognised Board / University / Institute.
  • Two years diploma / Certificate course in ETE / JBT or equivalent or B.El.Ed from a recognised institution.
  • Must have passed Hindi as a subject at Secondary Level & must have passed English as a subject at Secondary or Senior Secondary level. 
  • Must have qualified in CTET conducted by CBSE.
  • General Category – 30 Years
  • Schedule Caste – 35 Years
  • Schedule Tribe – 35 Years
  • OBC – 33 Years
  • PH (Orth.) – 40 Years
  • VH – 40 Years
Candidates belonging to SC / ST and OBC who are also covered under the Physically Disabled category will be eligible for grant of cumulative age relaxation under both the categories.

Selection Procedure

Select List for the contractual engagement will be drawn on the basis of marks obtained in the academic and professional qualifications. The criteria for deriving merit list be Secondary Exam – 25% (All subjects), Senior Secondary – 45% (Best five subjects), Teacher Training – 30%. 

How to Apply

Candidates may apply through online on MCD website i.e. www.mcdonline.gov.in from 09.03.15 to 15.03.15. It is advisable to use Mozilla Fire Fox Browser to make the online application and should follow the user guidelines and instructions at the time of online apply. Here are the steps for Online Application :
  • Visit www.mcdonline.gov.in.
  • Click Jobs @ MCD.
  • View Job Profile and click 'Apply' button.
  • Fill up all fields which are compulsory.
  • Upload the photograph in JPG, JPEG & BMP format should be less than 2 MB.
  • After all entries are made, the entries ought to be checked thoroughly. After satisfying that entries have been correctly and completely made, the button “submit” is to be clicked.
  • That's it.
Note : Click here for full Details

Related Post : EDMC Add. Teachers (Primary) 2014-15 : List of Selected Candidates


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