30 Mar 2015

Haryana : Show Cause Notice & Cancellation Orders of New Selected PGTs (Other than Mewat)

Appointment Cancellation Orders of 161 New Selected PGTs (Haryana)

(Last Updated : 20.11.15)
School Education Department (DSE), Haryana on 20.11.2015 issued Show-cause Notice to 56 New Selected PGTs (other than Mewat).

DSE Haryana on 06.10.2015 withdrawn Appointment Orders and cancelled Candidature of 161 New Selected PGTs (other than Mewat) in various subjects. Before this candidature of 155 new selected PGTs has also been canceled on 08.09.2015. These candidates were selected for the post of PGT advertised by HSTSB but they did not join and verify their documents.

They were given a number of chances to join and verify their documents. But they did not respond to Show Cause Notices have been sent to them by the Department. So, School Education Department, Chandigarh withdrawn their Appointment Orders and cancelled their candidature for the post of Post Graduate Teacher (PGT).

Download here Cancellation Orders of 161 New Selected PGTs (other than Mewat) 06.10.15

Download here Cancellation Orders of 155 New Selected PGTs (other than Mewat) 08.09.15

Show cause Notices to New Selected PGTs for Cancellation of their Candidature

DSE, Haryana Govt. on 17.11.2015 issued Show cause Notices dated 17.11.2015 to 56 New Selected PGTs (other than Mewat).

Earlier on 07.10.2015, DSE issued Show cause Notices dated 17.09.2015 to 82 New Selected PGTs and Show cause Notices dated 04.09.2015 (other than Mewat) to 89 89 New Selected PGTs (other than Mewat) in various subjects.

Eligibility for selection of these new selected candidates as PGT was determined on the basis of experience certificate, consequently a Show Cause Notice vide memo No. 6/4-2013 HRL (4) dated 22.10.2014 was served upon to the institution/school concerned to prove the genuineness of the teaching experience certificate issued to the candidates concerned. The departmental committee found their teaching experience unsatisfactory.

Thus, the department has decided to propose to the Haryana Staff Selection Commission, Panchkula that recommendations of name of these candidates for the post of PGT be withdrawn. But, before initiating any action, the show cause notice is hereby served upon to these candidates, as to why the recommendations for cancellation of the candidature be not made to the appropriate authority. Reply, if any, they want to give in response to this notice may reach in the office of Director Secondary Education not later than 15 days from the date of the receipt of this notice. In case, they fail to respond the notice within a stipulated period, it shall be presumed that they have nothing to say/submit in this regard and decision will be taken exparte.

Download here Show cause Notice to 56 New Selected PGTs (other than Mewat) 17.11.15

Download here Show cause Notice to 82 New Selected PGTs (other than Mewat) 07.10.15

Download here Show cause Notice to 89 New Selected PGTs (other than Mewat) 14.09.15

In June 2015, the Department gave another opportunity for 41 candidates & schools concerned to prove the genuineness of their experience certificates for the post of PGT advertised & recruited by HSTSB. They could appear in person along with proof of teaching experience like gazette/result/board duty and other relevant documents for the relevant period of teaching experience etc. on 29.06.2015 at 11:00 A.M in Directorate of Secondary Education, Haryana, Shiksha Sadan, Sector-5, Panchkula. See list of 41 candidates required to prove their experience certificates.

Notice to 41 New Selected PGTs and Schools for Teaching Experience Certificates

At the time of verification of the teaching experience certificates issued by these schools to the new selected PGTs, it has been observed by the deptt. that school authorities have violated the provisions of Rule 43 of Haryana School Education Rules, 2003 amended in 2007, wherein it has been provided, for suspension or withdrawal of recognition/N.O.C. of the school for violation of the above provisions.

The Deptt. has decided to grant one more opportunity to the schools as well as the candidates for re-examination of the relevant records regarding the issuance of teaching experience certificates.

These schools as well as candidates can explain and verify their position on 29.06.2015 at 11:00 A.M at 6th Floor, Shiksha Sadan, Sector 5, Panchkula before the committee constituted to verify the genuineness of the teaching experience certificates issued by these schools to the candidates selected as PGTs in various subjects.

See/download List of 41 Candidates (PGTs) for Teaching Experience Verification 25.06.15

Previously, DSE, Haryana had issued show-cause notice to 183 new selected PGTs recruited by HSTSB. The candidates who remained absent in counselling were served a 15 days show-cause notice on dated 22.10.2014, but 183 candidates had failed to respond the notice. These candidates were being given  one more and last chance to appear in person from 08.06.2015 to 12.06.2015  with proper receipt from O/o Deputy Director Lecturer at 2nd Floor, Shiksha Sadan, Sector-5, Panchkula along with  their all original documents. See / download list of 183 new selected PGTs below.

Download List of 183 New Selected PGT 06.06.15

Earlier the Department issued a notice/re-examination of relevant record of schools who issued teaching experience certificate to the new selected PGTs who were selected by HSTSB. These new selected Post Graduate Teachers (PGTs) were selected on the basis of teaching experience issued by the various schools.

These 11 schools were required to explain and justify their position on 07.04.2015 at 10:00 A.M at 6th Floor, Shiksha Sadan, Sector 5, Panchkula before the committee constituted to verify the genuineness of the teaching experience certificates issued by these schools to the candidates selected as PGTs in various subjects.

Haryana : Last Opportunity for 284 PGTs to Verify Their Documents

DSE had taken decision to afford last opportunity to the 284 number of PGT candidates in various subjects, who remained absent during the process of verification of documents/hearing on different dates. The date for document verification/hearing was fixed on 09.01.2015. 
Earlier the Deptt. had issued a public notice on 07.11.14 regarding 171 new selected PGTs against Advt. No. 1/2012 by HSTSB for verification of Teaching Experience Certificates. Candidates, whose names were included in the selection list prepared by HSTSB against Advt. No. 1/2012 for various subjects and categories, were called upon for verification of their School Teaching Experience Certificate so that their documents/certificates might be verified.

But there were 171 candidates who did not report to the prescribed office for verification of their documents/certificates and they were also notified to tell the reason for the failure. But again they were failed to present at the office. These 171 candidates were required to verify their documents within 15 days of the Notice given on 07.11.2014. But they were failed to do so.

So, the deptt/govt. had decided to cancel their candidature and they were notified through this public notice that they were required to present on 09 January 2015 to claim their candidature, if they were failed to verify their documents/certificates, their candidature would be cancelled and recommended to the appropriate authority. These 284 candidates were advised to report to the deptt. on 09.01.2015.

The list of these absent candidates can be seen on the website of School Education Department i.e. schooleducationharyana.gov.in (link is given below) and they might appear for document verification/hearing on the said date in the Directorate.

See/Download List of 284 Absent Candidates for Verification of Documents

Details of 284 Candidates Subject-wise

Subject      No. of Candidates
Chemistry       02
Commerce      01
Economics      10
English            71
Geography      08
Hindi               19
History            04
Home Science 01
Mathematics   17
Physics            15
Pol. Science     02
Psychology      05
Punjabi            07
Sociology        06
Urdu                03
Sanskrit           68
Biology           36
Ph. Education  08

Details of 171 Candidates Subject-wise

Subject      No. of Candidates
Chemistry         02
Commerce        01
Economics        10
English             71
Geography        08
Hindi                19
History             04
Home Science   01
Mathematics     17
Physics             15
Pol. Science      02
Psychology       05
Punjabi            07
Sociology         06
Urdu               03


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