12 Jul 2014

Central University of Haryana Invited Applications for Faculty Positions for 2014

Central University of Haryana invited On-line applications  for faculty positions at the levels of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor for Direct Recruitment or on Deputation/lien.
Teachmatters_Job Alert.jpg
Important Dates
  • Last Date for Online Application : 5 September 2014
  • Last Date by Registered/Speed Post only : 15 September 2014
Vacancy Details
Department   Professor   Associate Professor   Assistant Professor
                        SC ST UR   SC ST UR                     SC ST OBC UR
Economics      - - -             - - 2                                - - - -
Political Science - - 1        - - 2                                - - - 1
Education - - 1                 1 - -                                1 - - -
Sociology - - 1                 - 1 1                                1 1 1 1
Psychology 1 - -              1 - 1                                1 - 1 2
History        - - 1               - - 2                                 - - 1 3
English - - 1                      - - -                                  - - - -
Hindi - - -                          - 1 1                                - - 1 -
Management  - - 1            - - 2                                 - - - -
Law                  - - 1           - - 2                                - - - -
Commerce  1 - -               1 – 1                                - 1 - -
Physics - - 1                       - - 2                               1 - 1 2
Statistics - - 1                    - - 2                                 - - 1 3
Mathematics - - 1             - - 2                                 - - 1 3
Chemistry - - 1                  - - 2                                - - 1 3
Computer Science - - 1    1 - 1                                 1 1 1 1
Library & Info. Sci. - - 1    - - 2                               1 1 1 1
Env. Science 1 - -              1 - 1                                1 - 1 2
Geography - 1 -                 - 1 1                                1 1 1 1
J&MC          - - 1                1 - 1                               1 - 1 2

  • Professor 37400-67000, AGP Rs.10000/- (PB-IV)
  • Associate Professor 37400-67000,AGP Rs.9000/- (PB-IV)
  • Assistant Professor 15600-39100, AGP Rs.6000/- (PB-III)

The University has THREE vacancies reserved for PWD (Persons with Disabilities). Two (OH) locomotor disability or cerebral palsy at the level of Assistant Professor; and one (VH) blindness or low vision at the level of Associate Professor. 
DETAILS OF QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE ETC. FOR THE POSTS IN ABOVE DEPARTMENTS shall be as per UGC Regulations on Minimum Qualifications for Appointment of Teachers and other Academic Staff in Universities and Colleges and Measures for the Maintenance of Standards in Higher Education 2010 amended from time to time for which UGC website www.ugc.ac.in .
“Thus, as per the above Regulations notified on 11th July, 2009 and 18th September, 2010, NET/SLET/SET is the minimum eligibility condition for recruitment and appointment of Lecturer/Assistant Professor in Universities/Colleges/Institutions and only those Ph.D. degree holders are exempted from the requirement of the minimum eligibility condition of NET/SLET/SET for appointment as Lecturer/Assistant Professor whose Ph.D. Degree has been awarded in accordance with the UGC (Minimum Standards and Procedure for awarding Ph.D. Degree) Regulations 2009. In addition NET/SLET/SET is not required for such Master’s Degree Programme in disciplines for which NET/SLET /SET accredited test is not
1. The number of vacancies mentioned hereinabove is tentative. The University reserves the right to increase/decrease the number of posts, at the time of selection.
2. No TA/DA shall be paid to the candidates for attending the interview. However, the SC/ST/PWD candidates will be paid second-class railway/bus fare by shortest route on production of tickets.
3. The university reserves its right to place reasonable limit on the total number of candidates to be called for interview. The number of such candidates will be decided by the Committee constituted by the University for the purpose
4. In-service candidates shall route their applications through proper channel. However, candidates are advised to submit an advance copy of the application form well before the last date. They will however, be considered for interview only after their applications through proper channel are received by the University.
5. Applications not accompanied by necessary supporting documents, self-attested copies of degree certificates/ marks sheets/experience certificate/category certificate/reprints (if applicable) issued by thecompetent authority and the incomplete applications shall be rejected summarily.
6. The eligibility of candidates will be determined as on the last date fixed for receipt of application Forms.
7. Any change of address given in the application form should at once be communicated to the University.
8. Before applying for a post, candidates are advised to satisfy themselves about their eligibility. No enquiry in this regard will be entertained.
9. The prescribed qualifications and experience are minimum and the mere possession of the same will not entitle a candidate for being called for interview.
10. The University shall verify the antecedents or documents submitted at any time at the time of appointment or during the tenure of the service. In case, it is detected that the documents submitted are fake or the candidate has a clandestine antecedents/background and has suppressed the said information, his/her services shall be terminated forthwith.
11. Stringent criteria may be applied for short-listing the candidates to be called for interview.
12. The process of selection may be by a presentation/ Interview or a combination thereof.
13. Application should be accompanied with a non-refundable demand draft Rs. 400/- for general category Rs. 300/- for OBC, Rs. 200/- for SC/ST/PH drawn in favour of the Central University of Haryana payable at Mahendergarh, Haryana. Incomplete applications or applications received after the last date will be summarily rejected.
14. The candidates who have applied earlier against above posts and had deposited the requisite fee are not required to submit the requisite fee again. But they will have to fill up the application form again with all the required documents attached along with proof of fee already deposited
i,e. copy of DD.
15. The application duly filled in the prescribed form along with required documents must reach the University office on or before THE ABOVE MENTIONED LAST DATE at the below given address. The name of the post must be mentioned on top of the envelop. Application received after due date shall not be included in the selection process.


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