25 Apr 2014

More Candidates will be Qualified for JRF & Lectureship for UGC-NET after Redressal of Grievance

(Last Updated : 26.04.15)
UGC has updated Marks List of UGC NET June 2014 exam after Redressal of Grievance relating to answer keys of UGC NET June 2014. Due to the updated marks list and answer keys after redressal of grievance, the Result of UGC NET June 2014 exam will also be revised as previously it has been done for June 2012, Dec. 2012, June 2013 & Dec 2013 UGC NET exams. So more candidates will be qualified for UGC NET Exam June 2014. Candidates can now check their marks and confirm whether they are qualified for UGC NET June 2014 or not.

More candidates will be qualified for UGC-NET Exam. of June 14, Dec 13, June 13, Dec. 12 & June 12

All are aware that from UGC-NET June 2012 exam onwards, the UGC has started uploading the answer keys of all the papers on its website in order to bring transparency in the system. Thereafter, the online feedback is invited from the candidates regarding the questions and the keys. On receipt of the feedback, the meetings of subject experts are arranged for re-examination of the questions and the keys. After going through the feedback, the subject experts revise the keys wherever required. Based on the final updated keys, the UGC declares the result.

Even after declaring the result, some students have some grievance about the answer keys. So it had been decided by the UGC that to further re-examine such cases in the interest of student. In case,any answer key(s) pointed out by the candidate(s) is/are found to be incorrect, the UGC will process the result in the light of changed key(s) and qualify the additional candidates for JRF and/or eligibility for lectureship without changing the result of previously qualified candidates. Many candidates had sent written requests about their grievances to UGC with fee of Rs 5000.

UGC has uploaded the Updated Answer Keys & Marks List of June 2014 after Redressal of Grievances . Previously UGC  had updated Answer keys & Marks list of June 2012, Dec. 2012, June 2013, Dec 2013 & June 2014 UGC-NET exams after Redressal of Grievances. There are changes in Answer Keys and candidates can check their Marks of June 2014 UGC-NET Exam. Many candidates informed us that their marks have been increased. So check your marks immediately because there are chances that you will also be qualified for NET if you were short with a narrow margin for qualifying NET.

Note : The UGC only published Updated Answer Keys and Marks List of June 2012, Dec. 2012, June 2013, Dec. 2013 & June 2014 UGC-NET Exam. Revised Result has not been published by UGC separately. Previously it was not clear that which candidates would be considered by UGC for Revised Result - those who had sent written requests with fee of Rs. 5000 or all candidates whose marks are being increased and have secured equal or more than Cut-off Marks and Criteria adopted by UGC for the concerned NET Exam. Now it is clear that all candidates will be qualified for UGC NET Exam whose marks are being increased and equal or more than cut-off marks after the updated marks list. It is also noted that Cut-off Marks and Criteria are not changed/updated by UGC for June 2012, Dec. 2012, June 2013, Dec 2013 & June 2014 UGC-NET Exam.

(Updated on 27-04-14 : Cut-off of June,12 has been revised and cut-off Percentage of JRF is decreased)

How to confirm that you are qualified for JRF and Lectureship

First of all, check your Marks for the concerned Exam, then match your marks with Cut-off and Criteria. If you have equal or more than marks of Cut-off and have secured minimum marks for all three papers for the category you belong, you will be considered for the Revised Result of JRF and Lectureship. For full detaiI/steps about the process of your eligibility visit the above link. If you have any suggestion or query about this topic, feel free to comment below.


  1. Ugc is very slow...it should not take more than three months publishing NET final results

  2. How and when do we get to know of revised results???

    1. Keep in touch with www.teachmatters.in for latest updates on UGC NET.

  3. Are the marks of candidates who challenge the question are increased or others too and how many marks are generally increased like approximately how much difference does it make


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