23 Dec 2014

KVS Final Result & Cut-Off of TGT (AE) & PRT (Music) for 2012-13 and 2013-14

KVS TGT (AE) & PRT (Music) Final Result for 2012-13 & 2013-14 

KVS(Last UpDated : 23.12.14). Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) has declared the Final Result and Cut-off Marks for the post of TGT (AE) & PRT (Music) for the year 2012-13 & 2013-14. A total of 115 candidates have been selected for the post of TGT  and 100 candidates for the post of Primary Teacher (Music)for the year 2012-13 & 2013-14

On the performance of the written test for TGT (AE) & PRT (Music),  KVS had prepared the merit lists and called the candidates for interview for the above said posts for 2012-13 & 2013-14.

See Also :

View Your Result

How Cut-off Marks Calculated
  • Note 1: The cut off marks were calculated on the base of the performance of the candidate in written test (Part II) of the question paper and the Interview.
  • Note 2: Candidates found ineligible/disqualified/absent at the time of interview were not included in select panel.

Final Cut-off Marks for TGT (AE) & PRT (Music) for 2012-13 & 2013-14

Category wise final cut off marks for empanelment of the candidates in select panel
TGT(AE) & PRT(Music)
TGT (AE)64.5058.4461.4456.9460.0053.00-
PRT (MUSIC)75.2551.1749.5838.5864.17-73.33

  1 comment:

  1. please answer.......is it necessary to get marks in english for paper 1 in KV PGT and if it is whats the cutoff marks in english .pleas answer......


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