26 Jan 2014

HTET Practice Set : English Grammar - 6

English Grammar>>English Grammar Practice Sets>>TET Practice Sets>>HTET Practice Sets>>English Grammar Clause Questions
image : English Grammar Practice Set @ TeachMatters
English Grammar : Practice Set – 6 for HTET

Choose the right option for the Appropriate Clause in the sentences :-

1. I know the man who is here.
A) Adverb Clause
B) Adjective Clause
C) Noun Clause
D) None

2. Let us rejoice as we go forward.
A) Adverb Clause
B) Adjective Clause
C) Noun Clause
D) None

3. I think that he will die.
A) Adverb Clause
B) Adjective Clause
C) Noun Clause
D) None

4. I know the place which you mention.
A) Adverb Clause
B) Adjective Clause
C) Noun Clause
D) None

5. My father hopes that you will visit us.
A) Adverb Clause
B) Adjective Clause
C) Noun Clause
D) None

6. He ate when he was hungry.
A) Adverb Clause
B) Adjective Clause
C) Noun Clause
D) None

7. As I was going in my father came out.
A) Adverb Clause
B) Adjective Clause
C) Noun Clause
D) None

8. The wind bloweth whither it listeth.
A) Adverb Clause
B) Adjective Clause
C) Noun Clause
D) None

9. I refer to the year when the monsoon failed.
A) Adverb Clause
B) Adjective Clause
C) Noun Clause
D) None

10. You will always regret the day when you did this.
A) Adverb Clause
B) Adjective Clause
C) Noun Clause
D) None

Answers : 1) B, 2) A, 3) C, 4) B, 5) C, 6) A, 7) A, 8) A, 9) C, 10) B


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